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Green Arrow


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Green Arrow

  1. You seem like a cool dude from what I've seen. Hope you come back when you want to.
  2. I'd like to see a camera man job, where you are given a camera, which broadcasts what the camera sees to TVs. I believe there is a workshop mod for this already. forget what it's called though. You could buy tvs through the f4 shop. The job would be in the other or normal category.
  3. Okay that was actually a good GMOD piano player. I thought they were extinct.
  4. Wouldn't you consider citizen's people that don't do anything for the group/ nonmembers?
  5. I'm now on the forums! Some of you on the server may know me as "Illegal Character, Malcolm Merlyn, and Bible Man" From what I've seen this past week, it's a great server. I don't have a whole story for my introduction so...... I'm going to shut it now.
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