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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by mr.smiles

  1. Why the heck do you have a bounty system if it is the most under utalized system ever. Why not make it so that if you bloody cuff somebody. in the fine menu. It does the damn math for you. I understand the point of Making things more entertaining but as of late cops have been getting the shaft. Rather strong shaft i must add. Make it so that in the arrest menu there is a tab that allows a cop to autofine the bounty of a person. and if they pay or not it autowipes it. that way we won't have this issue. plus as of late there is the huge issue of people killing cops for arresting people. instacuffs is nice but it does jack all when a guy and his mates will all gun you down for cuffing one of them for breaking the law. even jug can't handle that. it's annoying and ruins any sense of the word "" Roleplay " in this server. you wonder why cops just cuff a single person and shoot everybody around them?! Impossible to do the job otherwise!
  2. I'd like to recommend renaming buggy or unwanted coding problems to "" sugar coding."" also because i like the idea. kidnapping is still annoying as well to deal with. given most kidnappers either die within seconds of actually preforming the deed. perhaps if the kidnapper dies any undropped box/boxes he has is dropped on the floor. Acts like a regular kidnap box. and also UPDATE THE BLOODY CODE FOR THE KIDNAP BOX TO UNKIDNAP A PERSON. PERHAPS WHEN THEY PRESS E ON IT THEY GET THEIR CODE RESET AND GET SENT BACK TO SPAWN WITH A MESSAGE SAYING. " you blacked out and were taken to a safe place " that way you are not forced to lose items that you had on hand when you are kidnapped. being kidnapped is a good way to lose ALOT of shit. it's also needs to be cleared up if certain things are or are not allowed. if mayor has a dupe that has 3 doors to the mayor's office. that removes any possibility of a forward defense. and half the admins and temp admins seem to not understand the bloody issue?! WITH PEANUT ( example ) it's ok to have two dupes in pd with maybe over 3 doors. or with walter ( again example ) he says that it's 3 doors no matter what. also the 3 door rule seems SILLY. you let us have six thanks to having one ways with the fading door. that's fine. i like that! but i also have an issue with the idea of. it's 3 doors to the lootable things. or 3 doors no matter what. Clarify it. Please. if not if anything. Discuss it! I keep asking mods to ask other mods this problem. if anything. fix kidnapping. it's been annoying to alot of people for that reason alone.
  3. the reason of the 20k fines is mostly due to people like you guys bitching constantly and will revolt for anything being slightly annoying. when a unstoppable force meets a unmovable object.... they surrender. or they clash. in the case of idiots vs idiots.... the two forces will clash regardless of anything. I can be mayor.... want to know my laws? hacking 20k fine. weapons out in public is 5k fine. stairs and any second doors in pd is KOS/AOS. and give or take a peanut can mic spam law. And i'm part of the DD.... If people didn't enjoy making fucking kidnapping rings or enjoy minging even in the slightest. then yes! the 20k fines can vanish! but in all honesty nobody is gonna stop kidnapping rings... nobody is gonna stop abusing zoom type things in order to rapidly steal a person from pd lobby. nobody is gonna stop people from buying guns on the street. and nobody is gonna attempt to have any form of decent role play... wanna know a great thing we have? it's called a firearms trainer. They give weapon licenses... so that mayor does not need to leave pd. know how often this class gets used? not at all! because it's kinda pointless when people spawn with weapons and if they are arrested or confinscated. it just gives them back anyways no matter what.... the 20k fines exist because chaos reigns supreme here. and those who want order? you can see them through the bullshit. also use !laws to see what laws you are breaking citizen.
  4. explain yourself dummy only time i see rare enforce jwalking laws is right out of spawn... and they get gunned down often. DD always brings results. why do you think people bitch about it?
  5. Nothing was changed on how laws work. I know it isn't fun to be demolished by police and that the Mayor can just hide in the PD. Making a rule against it kinda makes revolts useless because why else would you revolt? I always envisioned revolts happening as a gigantic planned attack on the Mayor. Imagine if you just had half of the server agree to attack the Mayor for stupid laws / fines (45 people) it would probably be pretty easy to use the resources available to kill him and reset the laws. But that just won't happen. People just start revolts without warning, making it a huge inconvenience. I have added in a ton of ways to kill the Mayor tomorrow if he makes unfair laws. The people should always be in control if the Mayor is alive. A good Mayor will survive and a bad Mayor will die Problem is that revolts happen because people either get bored. hate a single law that everybody else is ok with. or my favorite one. " because mayor said so " CC class outright breaks this as your changes today has now enforced the idea that pd is once again weaker then everybody. as well as hacker once again being put on the forefront as the most annoying class to counter. Yes security specialist can counter him SLIGHTLY. But you have to take into consideration people are idiots. balance the game around certain things. as we technically cannot arrest hackers because 99% of the time the laws do not cover the hackers. also because this is supposed to be a suggestion board. i recommend adding a timer to the revolt screen. That way people who die during revolt or wish to join can see how much time left is in revolt. Seems easy to put in. but i don't code so i'mma shut my mouth. also a weird error keeps popping up on my console. basS_ERROR_BUFLOST it would not be a problem if this error didn't keep freezing my game every time it pops up. and it happens frequently.
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