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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Tass

  1. I don't exactly see this as able to be abused unless you can aim where you will go then it would be a problem. I could only see this being a problem in maybe fountain but that's it.

  2. It was not the position of the grate I got told and point three, thats kinda what I am saying.. since the viewheight update this keeps happening and people abuse it.



    I didn't think the terrorist job would have that view problem though. I thought it would have only been CC's and certain models. As the Shygal model lowers my view below the surface along with the Tracer model I have. But the Hunter model is completely fine and I don't have view problems with.

  3. Have fun reading it, walter already read it ingame but lmao got one, dr. freeman.




    Please do not read if you are like a kid or shit



    Ty Peanut

    A cumming of age story

    It was the summer of 2001, Not a worry in sight and not a cloud in the sky. Today seemed like it would be a calm day for the state of Georgia, A relaxing Saturday off work for Peanut and his wife but little did they know, her water would break. Quickly rushing to the hospital Peanut would watch as his wife struggled, every vein on her neck and every twich on her arm. Just as quickly as their son was born, Peanut's wife had died. Peanut was heartbroken but knew he had to raise his son the way his wife wanted him to be raised.

    "Strange, you look a lot like your mother." Peanut whispered, 

    "I think ill name you Ty."


    15 years later

    A bus is heard in the distance, it's 2016 and fifteen year old Ty is walking home.

    "Dad, I'm home!"

     "Hi Ty, How are you today, you're looking as fine as usual."

    Ty blushes

    "Thank you daddy." 

        As Ty was walking to his room he set his backpack down and started doing his homework, As time progressed Ty got more and more tired, His eyelids became heavier and heavier and he decided to go to bed. As Ty got cozy, He drifted off into slumber only seeing the door slowly creek open.

    30 minutes later

    Hmmm? Something feels good Ty thought, as he rubbed his eyes he looked up only to see his father Peanut about to turn around with his mouth full and both their pants unzipped, Ty as hard as a rock.


              Peanut Swallows something thick and heavy


       They both look away from each other and blush

    "That sure was something" Peanut shyly whispered. 

    "It Sure was! I loved it so much dad!" Ty boasted. 

    "Wait, really?!" Peanut looked confused

        It had been fifteen years since Peanut had been with a women, He was lonely, deprived and once he learned Ty had such a long thick cock he couldn't resist.

    "Maybe we could do it again sometime Ty"

    Ty got so excited, he grabbed his dad's hand and took him to the shower. They both quickly undressed as Ty turn the water on.


    At first, they took things slow, Ty grabbed Peanut's dick and began to use it and some soap to clean his body. Then, things got heated up, Ty got down on his knees and began sucking on Peanut's long hairy cock. Peanut was so pleased, He couldn't stop thinking about how much he used to do this with his wife and how much Ty looked like her. 

    Peanut moaned, "Walter keep sucking, you use your tongue so well!" 

    Ty was taken off guard, He thought about the name Walter, he only knew that name from the few times Peanut would talk about his wife. Before Ty could process this though, Peanut cummed. Ty then got behind Peanut who quickly said

    "penetrate me!" 

    Ty stuck his 6 inch pounder in and Peanut moaned even more, He went faster and faster till he could not take it anymore, he took his hands off his father's hips and cummed.

        Ty turned off the water, they both dried off and got their clothes on. Ty exclaimed excitedly,

    "Till next time daddy!"

    As Ty rushed off to his room, he finished his homework. For the next couple years, Ty and his Father Peanut would do secretly do fun acts in the shower, the bedroom, and even the kitchen till he moved off to College. He would never forget the fun times they had.

  4. The first issue is bases. Most to all kidnappers use are either bases where its completely one color and you can't tell where your going or its a slightly different shade from the outside.

    considered a blackout base if you can't tell where you are going., not allowed. you should know this as you're a moderator.


    Another issue that is also connected to the all one color is that somewhere in the entire entrance of the base, there is one no collided wall thats not only where you can shoot through it, but its practically impossible to find within a reasonable amount of time while first entering the base. ( Most Kidnapping bases that have this trait require you to either crouch or jump crouch into a specific area all while they have a hidden area where they can see you and shoot but you can't see them )

    Also not allowed, you're supposed to have a path of some sort to follow, you should know this as you're a moderator 


    And another Issue is that there is no Role-play involved in kidnapping, you're just hitting someone in the back of the head with a stick or sandwich and carrying said victim off to a pitch black area where they have to either wait 5 minutes to kill themselves or for the captor to get bored with them and kill them.

    That is why its KoS to everyone around them. If you are going to complain this when you have one of the biggest handicaps being given to you, idk why you play on this server. Kidnapping isn't an easy task near the fountain where theres like 10-20 players at a time.


    CC's with the bludgeon is also a issue, most CC's have a plethora of weapons at their disposal as well as healing items and some that give armor. This makes it damn near impossible to stop them when they use their jumping swep go into the sky just to come down and hit your noggin and carry your body off into their little cave.

    cc's can only carry you with the bludgeon out.


    Kidnapping should be implemented in with Role-play, not only should said kidnapper HAVE to place the box, but there should be a new system to kidnapping so its not just a one hit to the back.

    I think its fine as it is.




    Lots of the people who kidnap do it with a group which can over run a single person trying to kill a kidnapper.

  5. Ok so, When i went to sammah then candy took a sit and did a sit really nice. Took it, brought em, asked em about it (I don't remember what the sit was about), he told him some meme shit as in like it was an accident or something, and then returned him. It seemed like he had most of it down already. I get that sammah might have been "ass" at training but when i went to you and watch a sit you took you seemed alright to me. So I said that you honestly seem fine from the sit part. I was also never told what he already "trained" you on. I kind of thought that if you understood already to take a whole sit (Which you already had like 45 or something) that you would understand not to noclip abuse... My bad if it didn't seem like it was really worth both of our times if it seemed he had it down. Oh, and I also said if he needs to ask anything he can ask us in admin chat.

    I started training with Stealthy and went over a few things on the sheet and he basically talked over me in a way throughout the whole training. He just kept going "yeah I know how to staff." Then, I got a call from the hospital about my grandma and said "hold on I'll be right back." Sure enough I came back and he was gone taking sits instead of waiting for me, so I didn't exactly get to finish training him. 

    I had to go to the hospital for my grandma and asked Tass if he could come train Stealthy. When I brought Tass, Stealthy kept saying stuff like "ugh," "here we go," and so forth.


    Seems he holds himself to a high position already. If he's noclipping after not even wanting to be trained because he "knows how to staff" then report him. 


    I don't know about training for the other t-mods. I know Dindu doesn't train, and I know Blacnova doesn't and gets someone to train for him when he accepts. However, I've seen most of the t-mods get trained. The training with Stealthy was frustrating coming from a lack of patience from his side. As well, staff noclip abusing shouldn't even come with training, because before applying you are supposed to read the mod guidelines which clearly state not to. 



    From what i know or remember, when I went to you guys he was joking around about BEGONE THOT which him and I meme about. He has asked me to help him on multiple sits which I have gone to and helped him out.

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