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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by MarkCX

  1. Declined - Reason - Not enough detail included in the application. TRY AGAIN IN 1 week Sorry ~ MarkCX
  2. Denied Due Do Possible Inactivity
  3. Mark CX I send fresh memes. +reped
  4. ACCEPTED Very good rep on the server glad to have you! USER - WaifuPillow ACCEPTED - Welcome! USER - TBB APOLO Accepted Under watch.
  5. Looks like your a grinder ____________________________ ACCEPTED
  6. ACCEPTED ______ Will be watched and moderated
  7. ACCEPTED ____ Try to put a few more hours a week (if you can)
  9. MarkCX

    Staff Issue

    I do not its just annoying because some people cant even get the chance to do their job and take a sit because certain people farm sits and spam open case Well, dont you think it will take longer if we have minges farming and spamming sits
  10. MarkCX

    Staff Issue

    Staff Sits Now we have a minor issue with staff and the sits. This problem results in staff not being able to take sits because others just spam click. [align=left] THE ISSUE Staff click open case without reading the case Staff have to ask whats the reason for the sit when they should be reading the reason. The Solution! Staff needs to READ the case info BEFORE they accept it THIS IS NOT POINTED AT CERTAIN STAFF MEMBERS THIS JUST NEEDS TO BE FIXED [/align]
  11. Thanks guys for all the support im sure this will happen I will be pming shugar about this. :D
  12. Legacy Job JIGSAW I need everyone's opinion on this topic because i think my decision makes a valid point. [align=left] We need to change the jigsaw model Why? Jigsaw Does not travel through dreams Jigsaw is simply a torture like game show type host Jigsaw + the go to sleep sound and !sleep command do not go together What Model To Change To And Why! Freddy should be the new model for the legacy job Freddy travels through dreams Freddy could have the claw instead of a knife because jigsaw never holds a knife Freddy is what should be replaced with instead of jigsaw! Let Me Know Your Thoughts Below On This Topic Thank You! CX[/align]
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