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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Lucio

  1. Hey all,


    I've created  a google document that records and graphs the drug prices. I figured it would be helpful for those that are analytically inclined. Hopefully this hasn't been done before lol.


    Feel free to jump on the spreadsheet and add comments to missing drug prices. I'll implement the changes you guys comment if I can't check the prices.


    Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ozRi0W7wtDux5b6odQ3kEMIL1gtgNKP0mHtiO0nahps/edit?usp=sharing





  2. Hey all!


    I'm Mosing/Mosin/Lucio

    (Or AJ in real life)


    I'm making a third introduction as I'm becoming more active on the server. This is due to the fact that school has finally let out!

    I'm just gonna describe myself here for absolutely no reason. Here it goes:


    Postive Traits







    Negative traits


    >Obnoxious at times

    >Overly inquisitive 



    Things I enjoy


    >Wrestling (high school level)

    >Working out

    >Board games

    >Reading (reading 1984 currently)

    >Video games obviously 



    >Programming (VB, html, JS, CSS, PHP) 


    Random bits

    >I plan to go to college for a degree in Computer Science then to Law School

    >I'm Catholic

    >I'm an Anarcho Capitalist 

    >I'm 17



    PS: Always feel free to contact me to talk, discuss, or meme. 

    My discord: Mosin#1905

    My Steams: https://steamcommunity.com/id/terribleairdrop/    https://steamcommunity.com/id/MrMosin/

  3. u said my meme sucked


    I'm sorry :(. I love you in a platonic manner

    Welcome Back M8. Last time I seen you I was a little user who just wanted to have fun. I played with you and Aselian and sometimes with uwu. Now I am fairly known and a t-mod with around 500 sits (i brag). Lots of new players and in my opinion server has been thriving in a good direction. Lots of great updates and is continued to be a fun server.


    I remember ya! Good times!


    *Just waiting on Aselian to give me perms to the class again :(*

    Also, welcome back


    You're my inspiration, Boop.

    Hi do u like memes too?????


    I love memes

  4. Hi, I've been around the server for a while and have built a mixed reputation. But I'd like to formally introduce myself and make a friendlier comeback in the community! 



    My name is AJ

    I'm 16

    I'm from Ohio

    Things I enjoy 

    • Reading books
    • Debating
    • Politics
    • Coding
    • Teaching
    • Writing Essays
    • Wrestling (High school level)
    • Talking to friendly people :)
    • MEMES

    Often times, my downfall is that I get too passionate in what I say. I almost always speak with a reason. Thus, I get too in to it. 



    I hope to meet even more friendly faces in this community as time goes on!  

    *and maybe become t mod again ;)*

  5. Create more ways to gain money as everyone just makes OP bases sits in them with printers and processors and kill you the moment you are seen while you cant see them giving them the upper hand. 

    Something to make things easier for people to make moneys


    This. RPing is fun, but it doesn't get much money. Put more emphasis on going on the streets

  6. I know that my opinion overall probably means nothing to a lot of you or if not the majority of you but I figured why not make some what of a suggestion or in general thread that addresses some issues on the server. This mainly revolves around the current staff team and the issues or "beef" within it. Now I have not personally joined the server as of recently. But after my resignation post and my official good bye I did hop on here and there to see whats up. The staff team is in ruins. Constant fighting and arguing is an apparent issue. I am not the only one that thinks this there are others who may or may not be staff on the server as well that can also agree with my statements. Personally when I was around back in the prime of TitsRP the staff were older and mature less capable and likely of arguing and starting shit between each other matter of fact we acted like one family. Again it is apparent that this is not the case currently on TitsRP. Obviously I am not saying that ALL staff are involved in these issues but its noticeable that a majority are. Now there are a lot of things that can solve this issue. Such as a complete wipe or run through of the current staff members on the server wiping/removing those that are inactive,immature,irresponsible, etc. But to cut off the toxicity that is always present in a Gmod community we can start by placing an age requirement on the staff apps. Personally I think it would be wise that way we are ONLY getting mature and responsible staff members in our staff team. Now some may disagree saying that there are mature players below whatever the age requirement may become but understand if that is the case they can more than likely work something out with a higher up such as some of the admins+ on the server. Again I dont think that what I say is going to be taken seriously but I think overall if this were to be put into affect on this server we would have a more productive staff team on our server. I remember in the old days where even a slight bit of drama or toxicity resulted in demotions or some type of punishment. But regardless of the old days that time has passed we need to focus on now and whether or not we will have a stable staff team because tbh that is what keeps order on the server 24/7. I hope some people understand where I am coming from and understand the situation that is currently going on right now. If Sugar somehow sees this and doesn't think I am an idiot. Well shit might as well unban me from discord am I right?


    Feel free to comment on this thread if you feel that you have something beneficial to say. Keep the shitpost off of this thread and please no drama or any type of arguments I personally just want this to be a civil discussion/suggestion that people will actually take into account for.


    Highly disagree. Many staff members, Dindu for example, are very professional and squash any sort of drama. No questions asked

  7. Im agreeing with sugar. If you get x amount of sits, and dont get demoted,  then you havent been fucking up.  

    Now, there is an issue

    People get bullied, made fun of, etc for reporting. Thus, people are discouraged for reporting. I believe causing drama about reports with -rep or in ooc should be against the rules.

  8. Remove the NLR bubbles or massively rework them because new Tmods will just ignore how MOTD/Defeat Rule works and claim you "Mass NLRed" because of how bad the bubble system is. Defeat rule for raids worked fine. This new system is cancer.


    PLEASE. The new system is not too good. Confuses young ones

  9. similar things have been suggested several times and the answer is always the same. Mods are not superhuman and they initially joined the server to play on it. As dindu says mods do their best to take sits and help out but as players we must remember that if mods get brunt out from i.e. Taking too many sits we won't even have mods online sometimes let alone 2.

    I believe mods already have alerts if they havent taken a sit in a while and if a specific mod barely takes sits at all you are free to report them on the server


    With that out of the way here are some things that can help if getting a sit is hard

    • Post a report on the forums with adequite evidence
    • Start a kick/ban vote (this requires a pretty big offense as the server vote on it)
    • Send your sit again after a while. Mods can be back from a break or done with sits

    A tip is that during the time while waiting for your sits you can gather and organize evidence like your logs, motd quotes and video recordings if you have it to make the sit faster thus helping more people get sits and reducing work for the mod to dig up.


    Note: not to send sits wildly like if you got killed make sure to ask the person why you got killed BEFORE you send the sit. This clears up clutter for mods who take sits and expedites the timme spenat in a sit


    To add on Follow sit guidlines, dont spam random letters thats maybe why some of your sits get declined


    If someone spams random letters, they dont deserve to get their sit taken.

  10. Who does this lmao



    Im up late and usually doing sits all night, and so are the other staff who are on. Its just usually really rough that late so we can't do 5 sits at a time man



    We do the best we can


    If youre busy with sits, thats fine. But ive been seeing ALOT of rping staff when there are only 2 mods on


    this sentence is illogical at best


    What part did you not understand?

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