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ODA Envy


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ODA Envy

  1. Yea, those sweps were made in like 3 seconds. I will polish them up tomorrow so it actually pinpoints what you're targeting instead of making you press it 90 times You could always just give all cops the permission to want without mayors concent then have people bind !want @ or what ever the command is, tbh idk if this works 100% tho cause @*^ work with ulx commands so i am asuming they work with darkrp commands but yeah, not 100% sure
  2. fuck hetel fuck hetel fuck hetel fuck hetel
  4. DAAAAAD FOR THE LAST TIME GET OUT OF MY ROOOOOM! DATING GRILLS IS A PHASE I AM GOING THROUGH! good thing when I woke up my phone was dead! I don't have a charger rn so I am using my step-dads and I can't find his XD
  5. Prior information you should know! -like 3 months ago- This girl was having issues and I broke up with her so she wouldn't have to worry about me while getting her shit straight, I tried to be friends but she told me 'if we can't date we can't be friends' and she dropped us completly. -last week- She tried to be a magician and re-appear in my life after we went our seperate ways and this is what was said. The conversation ends there. I'm going to asume she had a really bad week and needed to release some tention and she chose to release it onto me lol. I have 2 reasons for posting this. The first was to show the funny story, i found it most funny when she said she understands if i don't want to talk then shit talks me for not wanting to. The second, if you think you can provide as a better conversation partner my kik is junior_fergi so if you are desperate for help, want to troll me, or do anything else it will entertain me XD Also! When draygon does his 'Abbi' voice, this is the Abbi he is referring to!
  6. Yes! here is a link that describes all dat shiz CLICK ME
  7. Originally the slapper did no damage but there were issues with people randomly hitting people with it and making them take fall damage then reporting rdm when the person killed them for it, he made it do damage to show in logs when someone is hit with it.
  8. The different between a tits and a sugar tits is one has nazi sugar on top? I know but I figured one was an old account
  9. So pretty much same rules apply to ALL growing areas, what they are called does not matter?
  10. I noticed something today... THESE ARE 2 DIFFERENT PEOPLE! THEIR PICTURES ARE ALIKE BUT DIFFERENT AND THEIR NAMES ARE DIFFERENT! @sugar - if one of these is an old account you don't use anymore I recommend removing it's admeme privileges on the forums so the steve thing doesn't happen again.
  11. There are 8 growing areas from what I could see, I may be wrong. 3 Global 1 Random ones outside. 4 Part of a house. I am making this thread to target the fact that people keep trying to base at the global growing areas. Usually it is hobos, They can just as easily base at the harvest outdoor one, the global ones are not the hobos only option. You would think because it is called a global growing area anyone can use it at any time??
  12. I bet he stacked a bunch of chairs into each other lol
  13. Any way you could maybe spawn them then put them into shipment form? Maybe the shipment form won't disappear I know you can do it through the context menu (default key is C) and right click it then hit create shipment. There is a chance sugar has disallowed it though
  14. Slams were removed I think. Therefore any shipments are remnants waiting to be spawned as errors and therefore deleted. Slams are HL2 weapons arn't they?
  15. I like having the titsRp group as my main group and if you are over leve 10 you can show case it lol also it would be good for alerting events but that is about it.
  16. Free advertisement never hurt hetel! NEVER! I can't afford that btw cause I would have to rename my AK-47 too if I unfriended him and I don't have nametag moneyz. :s You'd have to rename it to Cartel Reject Hetel's Cartel sounds better, do I have to?? :(
  17. Free advertisement never hurt hetel! NEVER! I can't afford that btw cause I would have to rename my AK-47 too if I unfriended him and I don't have nametag moneyz. :s
  18. [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2RnleZ7FbE
  19. Ok so... I feel it is time to reveal who I am and let you guys know more about me, considering we are family and all! But first I would like to introduce you to my other family. First I will introduce you to my dogee, his name is Bailey, yes HIS name is Bailey! He's cute but he's in trouble rn so try to ignore the cage. http://i.imgur.com/yWdG5eg.jpg[/img]http://i.imgur.com/mvERZxB.jpg[/img]http://i.imgur.com/MkZ6Jb3.jpg[/img] Along with him I have my fam Draygon and Hetel, You might have met Draygon, his profile pic is like mine but the color is changed, he my little bro so if he fuck up let me know. Hetel... You may have met him and not known it, he doesn't get on often and he changes his name alot. Now that you know my family time to learn about me!! Me and my family live in Bombton, yes Bompton. It's a part of Compton, don't come here, it's dangerous. Kendrick Lamar and YG are from here btw, our main export is dope rappers and our main import is OG kush. I am actually too poor for a computer so i go to my local Library and play titsRP there every day on their public computers. Every day after school I go there, download Steam, then gmod and csgo, then the addons for gmod. I check the forums on the school computers when I am at the library and sometimes I hide in the back of the library until the close so i can play all night, I have only been caught once but us Bompton Niggas always get away. #bompton #bloods #ilovemyhusky #fuckcripslilnigga #favcolorpurptho #purp #lean #kendrick #lamar #IfItAintPurpiAintDrank #squad #glockglock #ganggang
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