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ODA Envy


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ODA Envy

  1. I know this is kinda old but I just noticed a comment he put on my profile after our conversation.
  2. Was brother hacked or something? Or maybe he was trying to hack me some how p-p
  3. Didn't his spokes person say it was in fact a accident? What she exactly was "slip of the tongue." http://crooksandliars.com/2016/04/katrina-pierson-trumps-7-eleven-gaffe-slip Can you provide proof that he was actually talking about the fire department?
  4. Staff Tips: Go easy on new players. Education over punishment. Don't punish multiple times for multiple rule breaks in one act, punish once, and the user should learn from it. If they don't, punish them again. Only Verbal Warnings or !warns should be given when it was an accident. If X is done three or more times it is considered "mass X". Keep your ban reasons professional. No personal comments from yourself or quotes from the banned player is allowed. Any context surrounding the ban is fine. Good example of a ban message: "MNLR | FailRP | Kept interfering in raids as sewer lord". Bad example of a ban message: "ARDM, learn how to aim shitter" Requesting a ban to be extended is easy. Add your name to the ban reason and how long you would like the extension to be. Example: "Extend to [TIME] for [YOUR NAME] | Ban Reason" Do not kick/ban/warn/continue a sit on a user when they are AFK. You must either keep them in sit land or return them to the main land and watch them. If they are fake AFKing it will be obvious, and you may punish once it is obvious they are doing so to avoid punishment. If a user has been banned previously within less than a month ago for the same punishment their ban should be increased to a longer length, there can be exceptions for serious cases. The chain of punishment is as follows: Verbal Warning --> Warning/Gag/Mute --> Kick/Jail --> Ban --> Perm Ban Ban times and reasons are at the discretion of the staff member giving the punishment. This is only a guide for reference. (RDM) Falsely killing someone (NLR) New Life Rule (RDA) Falsely Arresting/Wanting someone Stun-gun Abuse / Job Abuse (Harassment) Disrespecting / Threatening (FailRP) Not role-playing properly or as chosen job Exploiting/Hacking (FDA) Fading Door Abuse (Spamming) Chat (Prop Abuse) General Prop Abuse FailBasing Repeat Offence in short time span (Continue After Warned) (LTAP) Leaving to avoid punishment (Crashing Server) Attempting to lag or crash the server Player Toxicity Personal Info Leaking NSFW Alting Anti-Semitic Propaganda / Nazi Dupes Abuse of voteban / votekick
  5. I didn't make mine until i was promoted to mod :P
  6. he could get the piano entity, wouldn't even need a class, he could just put one at fountain perm.
  7. Howdy! Nice introduction, welcome to the community and congrats on gaining VIP.
  8. ODA Envy


    One way would be to remove inventory but that would make people mad :P Make inventories smaller would also higher the demand for dealers.
  9. agario has points, slither has lines(of coke)
  10. I was playing slither.io and I was top on my server and died to someoent hat was maybe like 500 length.
  11. This happens to alot of people XD Which part?
  12. Are you the person I heard the admin Blacnova ask the owner about on The ts. Ok so can you provide any more information, don't take this the wrong way but as of right now this looks like a scam. Why? 1. You are first person I have even know of with this issue. 2. You only have two hours on the server and joined today. 3. How did you get the money? It's impossible to make the money in 2 hours so either you donated for it or you were given it. If you donated why not just buy VIP and if someone gaben(bless) you it can you please provide a steamcommunity link. 4. It would have gave a global message in chat saying you bought it and you could have used it as proof, if any staff saw this please comment bellow that they did.
  13. I want refund, just message me on steam when you can provide and I'll hop on!
  14. i've been messing around with hammer for a few months, made a few maps, but probably nothing you're looking for\ Awhile ago you said you were making a map for the server. Back on evo city you told me this.
  15. [*] +1 I like the idea of this, especially if it like gives the person a warning or something saying 'no no no, you tried raiding -insert username- -time- ago! remember, raid cooldown is 20 minutes' [*] Fr fr just make it so active warnings last 24 hours(one day cause I like even things) and make it so it applies punishments at a ridiculous number so it won't dis out punishments. I just like logs, logs are proof, logs are history, people can learn from history.
  16. We lost alot of people because of the update, few came back, we lost MANY regulars. One big example I can think of is MusicalProdigy, He was an admin and I have only seen him 1 time since then. I can tell you I am one who dislikes the map. It needs a certain RP style or it just won't work out well, I know from experience. Here are 2 examples. Bases in current map - approximately 48 separate bases. Bases on evocity_v33x - aprovimately 57 places to base File Size for current map 8.539 MB File Size for evocity_v33x 125.938 MB (also you need games people usually don't have to get all textures, I have all Half Life 2s and css and I have many missing textures) 15 times the size in MB for around 10 more places to house people? Stuff EvoCity has that current map does not - water(causes more cpu usage) Gas stations(not a necessity on current map) Restaurant Random large open areas and things being more spread out = more mb of map, also brings in the need for cars which is more CPU usage. Evo city has map props = unnecessary Evo City is nice and all but it's not a good map for darkRP, maybe a more serious RP but not darkRP. I will swear and preach all we need is a bigger variant of Downtown until the day I die.
  17. Sugar - Voice your opinions. Me - GOT IT! Me voicing my opinion - Can you keep the warning system but maybe make it so there are no punishments for warns? I like the idea of seeing what people did / how often they do what. Me voicing my opinion 2.0 - I like the idea of removing KOS signs but not sure what you meant because you said 'just put a loitering' because people usually write 'KOS if Loitering' and I think you meant put that so maybe change 'no kos signs' to 'no kos lines/kos inside' Help clarify for people who dunt no english. After posting this I thought to myself 'this should be in suggestions... +1 warn me'
  18. Did you not read the post... It was over 3 hours ago lol and he made a comment of who the wiener was. U should learn 2 read too lol
  19. How about we just walk away? If they following then advert warning1/2/3 go away or KOS. If they are doing it at our house have a sign that makes it KOS... I feel finding something annoying is not a reason to make it against the rules if it is possible to avoid it.
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