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ODA Envy


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ODA Envy

  1. Will the ranked jobs have different paths for CP and swat? or are they mixed.
  2. Sugar, I love the idea of ranked classes and putting them in groups, it'll make sits alot easier by cutting down the rules list a bit. I felt having different rules for Thief/Raider etc was excessive. Or how BMD gun dealer and alchemist are all seperate when you could easily make a rules list for dealers in general.
  3. maybe your active warnings only go away within 100 minutes of being online? not 100 minutes if your on or not
  4. i can see it now a certaint leveling 'faction' being super heros level 1: spiderman level 5: the flash level 10: batman
  5. tbh the most memorial moment I have of you was when I first joined the server. I had a mega base and someone c4ed a giant wall that I had, the wall was 1 giant piece. I fizzed it and freezed it cause it was causing major server lag, you warned me and unfroze it and it crashed the server lol You shouldn't make you staying a pole. You should say 'fuck you' and raid those who want you gone and remind them who has the biggest booty.
  6. ODA Envy


    ^^ true, BUT this man could be the future of titsrp? if he applys for staff(he is vip i think) and becomes a moderator but is on the other side of the world we can be populated 24/7 :) #bringintheeuromods
  7. ODA Envy


    Sounds pretty normal, if it's late for you I recommend going to sleep in playing in morning. If it's day for you recommend getting on a server based for your timezone. Also, at night it's best to build a base ASAP and chill in it, lock yourself away from trolls.
  8. Questions 1. Are you excited? Cause I am excited! 2. Not a question, I love the GUI showing you information instead of your hud!
  9. Good job! Love the work you are putting in!
  10. Make it so we can change the color and bodygroups of the new beautiful cars you added. Yeah I want to rice out that little pinto and make it pink. Also i want to make the camper look a little more like walter whites!
  11. They found a way to still block sites even with ultrasurf at my school :@
  12. exactly why sugar is going to do a different version of the map :)
  13. FULFILL YOUR WANTS! Unless you don't like gambles lol
  14. About the spooky crash tunnel, I've seen communities block up the tunnel so it might be more than just you. I mean, we could always block it up too but ALOT of people have noclip and accidents happen and I can see so many mods going 'oh what's in here, why is it blocked off' -server crash- Also, IDK if it's still there but there are 2 bases that are unraidable because it has prop doors, prop as in it's not a door, it's a prop but it's being used as a door. This means you can't lock pick it ;-;
  15. I thought you could buy armor from the gun dealer?
  16. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605279499 Maybe the armor one?
  17. ODA Envy

    Staff Sucks

    Get a active head mod that actually guides mod and teaches them tricks instead of Afk at spawn? - anon (some active guy pmed me about that saying our headmod just fucks around, doesn't do sits, doesn't control staff)
  18. I'm pretty confident I can do this If you could that would be amazing!
  19. Growable weed Like a really simple one, kinda like the old meth systemm take a pot, a seed smack them together plant appears in pot, takes a few minutes to grow, plant gets larger or goes from brown to green over the span of said time it takes to grow. Hit E, then boom, weed. Maybe rename Meth addict to drug addict and have it so you can bring weed to him also? I know the drugs mod on the workshop has different sized pot plant models in it also, simple ones.
  20. Even that would be amazing, not even the 'by Christmas part'. Us having a custom map is the awesome part. I just get tired of the generic Map and it would be cool to have one we can call our own. You get so much more power when you own and can edit the map to your liking. Changing little details every once in awhile like the texture for the road or like 'borrowing' a building from a different map would be enough flare to make the map feel new again.
  21. Sugar has been doing the votes in the MOTD to see what the community wants, well he has been making it kinda complicated(in my opinion) by putting multiple topics in a single vote which people could be against 1 topic in it and be with the other. Honestly I just want to know if people want a new map so this is a poll for only that topic.
  22. When your friend wants you to Photoshop him to a model.
  23. I like their soaps XD I see Amish people alot when I go visit my family in Kentucky.
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