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Jack Johnson


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jack Johnson

  1. hello selling pig pet prices are negotioable
  2. subscribe guys whats going on.... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCQ5cTLqOmM00Ixig1xr_Dg
  3. more content recommended for u omg!!!
  4. Hello, I have noticed some people not noticing a few things in the video. Look closely at the beginning. Smerexy has won a game. There may be a seat free, but you can actually see Low being there in the background whenever Special talks. The reason why the seat was free is because Low lost and needed to get more chips so he can continue playing with them. It is difficult to see this visually, as Special opens the door and immediately jumps up and sits down (You can hear the door closing right when he sits down.) After Special sits down, and before anything was even on the table, smerexy's first reaction was to try and place a hit by walking up to piklas. This is evidence that they didnt plan on scamming you, or exploiting, or anything. They wanted you gone BECAUSE that was Low's spot. This is also proven at the very end, where after your death Low jumps up and trys to take your seat. Long story short, they never had the intention to scam you or anything, they just wanted to play with their friends. (I also didnt wanna write this essay but i was forced to)
  5. Hello, this is a post for titsrp community to discuss about Sticks ban appeal. Here are my favourite parts of the ban appeal. (You discuss things before banning anyone, not after btw) Discuss!
  6. (my god PLEASE make this pet bigger this shit is smaller than Extincts brain)
  7. Hello pls make it so i dont have to advert bank raid even though it wouldnt make a difference because i would get gunned down anyway! (i suck at raiding) Hello pls make it so bank is absolutely useless by making it so there cannot be any money making entities! (There wont be any money for new players to rob as bank heist leader because there will never be a bank manager BECAUSE its useless!) Hello i am unable to place deployable shields at bank door and fight against literal bots (i suck at game)
  8. After my terrible decision of handing my first mini mod pet Silver to mr.Kilobyte, i have decided to get a 2nd one! Hello mr.Ember
  9. Hello professional gambling addict here I have told mr.sugar this many times but he kept saying he will bomb my house in supporter chat! Having a option to hide the gambling section needs to be a thing because it would count as gambling responsible and to have fun (as sugar wants, look at textscreens next to strip club) Also people shouldnt quit the server because they lost all their money when they saw a huge green circle bouncing up and down everytime they open the f4 menu!
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