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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by smer

  1. you really think it's funny, but it's fucking not. you should not be making light of this situation.
  2. smer


    we should add placeable poker table since the current state of gmodia encourages sitting in a base afk for 10 hours, it would be nice to play poker in your own base
  3. "Quest Megathread.... approved by rubik...."
  4. special educated after losing a whole $1 million :scream:
  5. i feel like when selling money was allowed you had to actively seek it out and was very far from 'Selling 50mil $1 a mil. PM me for my paypal Buy now and get 500 pickup boxes.' it was a service only for those who needed and sought it out which operates on the same principle as sugar's shop, and very few people even had the accumulated wealth to be selling. maybe my memory's bad but it was far from the global chat advertisements you'd see in games like maplestory and BDO and i dont see the server ever becoming like that if this was allowed again. i think itd make the server more competitive and make basing important and meaningful again. its interesting that HIDDEN talks about letting players enjoy the game how they want while supporting the restricting of those who enjoy the mmo elements of the server
  6. SHARDMARIO STAFF APLICATIONผู้ใช้ที่อ่านสิ่งนี้จะสาปแช่งอีกสิบปีข้างหน้า ความมืดและความทุกข์ยากภายในจะมาสาปแช่งและคุณจะแพ้เกมในตำนานในเกมถัดไปและ Miles Cynthia Lopez จะข่มขืนเธอ ผู้ใช้ที่อ่านสิ่งนี้จะสาปแช่งอีกสิบปีข้างหน้า ความมืดและความทุกข์ยากภายในจะมาสาปแช่งและคุณจะแพ้เกมในตำนานในเกมถัดไปและ Miles Cynthia Lopez จะข่มขืนเธอ ผู้ใช้ที่อ่านสิ่งนี้จะสาปแช่งอีกสิบปีข้างหน้า ความมืดและความทุกข์ยากภายในจะมาสาปแช่งและคุณจะแพ้เกมในตำนานในเกมถัดไปและ Miles Cynthia Lopez จะข่มขืนเธอ Basic questions: Your in-game name: ShardMario Link to your Steam profile: steam.com/ShardMario Your age: 13 Your Discord tag: ShardMario How many hours have you spent on the server within the past week? (Link your gametracker please. Our gametracker is located here: https://cache4.gametracker.com/server_in....23:27015/): i think maybe Have you ever been warned or banned on the server? If yes, what for? yea for rdm but thats like 2 years ago What is your region and timezone? america Will you continue playing on the server while your application is up? probably Have you read over our Staff Guidelines? Sit guidelines? Punishment times? MOTD? yes Do you have a microphone and use it constantly? yes Do you understand that abusing and not helping with admin sits will get you demoted? yes Reasons for applying/information: Why do you want to be a staff member on this server? yes What are some qualities that make you a good staff member? i like to help people Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? If demoted, please link the report or explain why you were demoted if there was no report. If resigned, please state the reason. no Have you ever been a staff member on another server / other game? If so, what server(s) / game? yes i have op on bills minecraft server If accepted as a staff member, what could you contribute to the moderation/administration team? i can donate a lot of money and my friends will play on the server if i give them the ip too xD Would you like to be trained as a trial mod beforehand or do you think you're ready for full mod? Why? no Scenario Questions (Unlimited Liners, minimum 2 lines. Explain what you would do for each question and why): Player X claims that player Y is using printers with a building sign up. i wil tell them to show me the recording of them seeing the printer / building sign and if they dont have a recording i will tell them to come back with more evidence Player X shoots player Y with a stun gun for 1 armor of damage. Player Y kills player X. Player Y makes a sit on Player X for stun gun abusing them. tell them to stop abusing stun gun because 1 damage 1 time doesnt matter 3 players report a player for Mass RDMing. You try to bring the player in question but it says "This player has not been found.". i will ban the 3 players for lying to staff Player X crossfired player Y in a raid. Player Y makes a sit claiming he RDMed him. How would you investigate to check if it were crossfire? crossfire doesnt exist anymore Player X calls a sit saying "Admin to me". that is not how you call a sit so i dont care Player X teleports into Player Y's base using !sleep and kills player Y because he is Jigsaw. However, player X starts to blow up player Y's printers. Player Y calls a sit on Player X. thats failrp because jigsaw cant raid i think, but also printers are only 2.5k so it doesnt really matter. also it wouldnt be my base because i would have godmode enabled so i dont really care Player X calls a sit for RDM but it happened before you joined the server. You claimed the sit. How do you handle this? why would i claim a sit for something that happened when i wasnt even there? wtf lol Expert Questions (Unlimited Liners, minimum 2 lines. Try to answer these questions to the best of your ability, the only thing that will hurt your chances in this application would be to leave them empty; Explain what you would do for each question and why): Somebody dies in a raid. They come back and stand on the sidewalk outside their base and get killed again by the raider. They call a sit for RDM. honestly it wouldnt happen to me because i would be in godmode so i dont care tbh xD Somebody dies in a raid. They come back to their base at exactly the 10-minute mark and get killed by the person who was raiding. They call a sit for RDM. why is this person thats being raided so fucking annoying like bro shutup and eat a cinamin role You are in a sit and decide to give somebody a verbal warning for an accidental RDM. The offended user calls you a bad staff member and says that you need to ban them for 3 days. i dont give verbal warnings i would ban him Somebody calls a sit complaining that a user FDA'd during a raid. What do you do? proof? evidence? i dont care idiot lol i will ban them both for wasting my time xD thank u for viewing my staff app Reply
  7. smer


    im certain the only reason hobos are played in the first place are for micspamming; to allow all classes to micspam is to render the hobo class useless. also let's not pretend that if this were to happen, people would still play hobo to micspam. everyone would just do it on their cc.
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