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Neko Sam | Loli Lover


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Neko Sam | Loli Lover

  1. After reading what tits said, I told myself: Did I sounded that rude by saying beta? If I did, I apologise. (I said it seemed like a beta some hours ago in another thread) But beta for me means: The first version of something/Releasing something new We are trying something new, and I know everyone said their opinion and stuff, but I personally like the idea of where we are going. Me and Saanix always loved Roleplay (RP) things, we always have dungeons & dragons session at his house with other peoples. and I used to do medieval's costumed rpg with 100-200 people every week at my local park, think of it has DarkRp BUT IN REAL LIFE, WITH EVERYONE COSTUMED AND RP'ING AS THEIR CHARACTER (oh god my Spider-Child was loved by everyone, even though its a evil race and we are supposed to get killed on sight, I managed to get loved by paladins,I got my right as a civilian rolf, those were good times) What I mean by that is, ME AND SAANIX love rp, and when we saw people actually rp'ing. We were happy. He wasnt coming on the server cuz: *its always raiding, and no actual rp, ill come back when this gets updated* Well, the update made his come back as soon as I said: Hey, there is RP now. (well he said he would come back more often) In a nutsheck, the server is that: If you like RP, welcome and have fun ! : You want deathmatch? Fuck you :D ! I don't know what future awaits for this server, but for my opinion, being able to actually RP is something I have searched for a long time. Last thing (again) If I sounded rude by saying Beta,I deeply apologise. Saying *waiting for it to be polished* is actually stupid, some stuff already got fixed. So uh yeah good job me.
  2. Suggestion: Get rid of the cycling cooldown, when you have to cycle through 6 swep to get ur shoty,and each swep takes 2 seconds....yeah you get the deal Sorry I know im annoying with this but that thing is more annoying than I am. AND I AM REALLY ANNOYING
  3. Ill use this thread to post my opinion about ONE thing. The swap cooldown to cycle throught inventory is painful, everybody wants to get rid of it. Oh and I dont think re-farming is a bad thing, it gives us stuff to do instead of idling and wondering about what to do. Working>Idling and killing each other for no reason at all
  4. Dude, ur doing an amazing job, everyone is gonna love the new update, take ur time and make this the best godamn update Gmod has ever witnessed, keep it up !
  5. heh, my birthday is in 2 weeks (27), so ill take that server massive update as a birthday gift ;) Take your time, we dont need a rushed update, take all the time you need. :D
  6. Jeca's favorite new feature will surely be the weed growing one.... I really wanna jeca farming those shits while being drunk yelling stuff about his massive weed farm in the city
  7. one side has 200 armor on spawn while the other has 0 armor.... no
  8. Nah, I prefer salmon snacks. Donuts makes my tummy bigger :(
  9. But what If I like cat snacks?
  10. When tits decides to help clean off some stuff. Your cleaning skills are perfect to be honest
  11. Um, we need something to move quicker, I know its an NPC thread, but WE NEED FAST TRAVELING NPC. I know it may be hard to do, but for new player its gonna be a pain in the ass to travel all the map. Like here is the speach they would say: Hey there, I am the fast traveling guy, I make your life less harder by making you teleport to one of my comrades, so, where do you want to go? *LIST OF OTHER TRAVELING NPC* Ok, Ill tell the other one you are coming, have a safe travel!
  12. I want an hidden NPC who says: Neko is a poop-head. You: Why is that? NPC: I am racist towards weeaboo You:Have a good day NPC:sure
  13. Did you bought a armor pack?(I didnt see correctly so pls forgive me if not). If so, I wouldnt recommend it. 500$ for an armor pack is really really cheap. Everyone will have armor and well...makes the concept of having armor not an opportunity, it just makes it: Did I forget to go buy armor: Yes (ok ur fine) No (shit you forgot go buy it now or next time ur in a fight ur fucked lel) Levels seems cool, and having to level up to get access to new things is fun, makes it so people come often. PS: Do people who has been on the server for a while will have some bonus level at start?
  14. I came to post an insult to cullen but I ended up reading a tutorial on how to bypass school filter's... heh
  15. But do you wanna know what I like more than the yatch? .... .... KNOWLEDGE
  16. Like I said, change is good, if we are losing ALL our playerbase, we'll just have to switch back to downtown, if not.... Profit !
  17. Maybe update it, since we got a HUGE increase and decrease of staff member this month. RIP old people and welcome new people !
  19. Changeeeeeeeeeeeee, is goooooooooood-Kha Zix
  20. We should have a calendar for events, like not random events. but actual prepared events posted on forums. I know we do events on the go from time to time but maybe another type of event? For example, at X day at Y hour, we all go on the server for an all-nighter and fuck around in a house and do random things. Getting jecanerd drunk and watch him go around the house and listen to some of his stories, mass printer farm,etc.... we should do/HAVE something like that
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