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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Getter

  1. Most players on the server are on a cc at all times which makes it very difficult to actually get a hit from the payphone since payphone hits go to someone random each time.  There should be an interactable object (a computer or a board or something) that hitmen can go to collect hits from the payphone.  Make it so it gives you a random hit every time you interact with it to avoid player targeting. Also, please make it so you can cancel hits or make it so you can't get a hit on an already dead person. Otherwise, you have to rejoin or kill bind and lose items.


  2. Category:





    There is a chance you can become your own hit if a hit you accept gets rerouted onto yourself. Although this only happened to me twice, it is really annoying when it does happen and causes players to have to kill themselves which causes them to lose items.

    How to reproduce:

    Keep receiving hits until you get a hit on yourself.


  3. Category:





    There is a bug where, if Mr. Sniffy has a target, the target will stays until the target dies by Mr. Sniffy himself or if the target leaves the server OR if Mr. Sniffy changes jobs. (it does not go away when the target dies.). And another bug is when, Mr. Sniffy dies, or his target dies, them and himself can't respawn. And needs a mod to respawn them.

    How to reproduce:

    Become the Mr. Sniffy job or become the target of Mr. Sniffy and die as Mr. Sniffy or his target, and the will target stay and you won't be able to respawn.
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