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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by gwongo

  1. Not sure if this is the right place but i couldnt find compensation request or anything else like that. is there a way i could be comped the money for a batch of meth and an overclocked printer? i was letting my printer stack up and then i was gonna sell the meth and then come back and do the cycle again bur when i pressed e on the freezer it crashed my game. also i had one of the super clocker upgrades but i didnt record me putting it inside the printer but u can see the particles on the printer. i have a video that i will link.
  2. JOIN MY KOOL AID KARAOKE HUT BB'S https://i.gyazo.com/d9e646ac6eb03537f0f5cae29bf7a920.jpg picture was too large didnt wanna edit :)
  3. Same, this was my dream https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_cHN51BHpxsR6zL4z4tEZOGnZDHC8A4dSnWVomWpO2GSpoA5V0w
  4. Allysa heils the fuhrer
  5. When you miss the old meth system so you build a prop system to keep your addiction alive
  6. I was usually on for almost the whole day from like 12 to 12 but my school starts soon and the time I was on is used for preparing for the school year like shopping for supplies and new clothes and whatever. Also, when my school does start I probably will only be able to get on at like 5 to 7 or a few hours a day. Again, sorry for the inactivity.
  7. This is just a new job but I think a whale hunter class would be fucking awesome and also have a whale job. Their only "porpoise" in titsrp would be to go to war like bloods and crips or satan and jesus. It gives harpoons a more fun dynamic. If it can't happen it's fine I just have an addiction to harpoons.
  8. We used like 10 c4 per base and we got past them all, never lost a raid. We blew up everything and no one stopped us, that's why I said we were kings
  9. So me, El Chapo, Jecanerd, and a whole squad of people raped every base today and used about 40 c4's. We raided Tim's "unraidable" base, left no remains of any base we fucked, and it was great here are some pictures of the destruction.
  10. I will eventually get a really good desktop but this thing is going to serve me just fine and I'm not getting it just for the name of it being Razer my friend has the other version I think it's the Razer Blade Pro but thank you for the tips and suggestions. :)
  11. I like the portability of a laptop and this supports all my needs plus more. Plz luv
  12. Gonna get so much shit for getting a laptop instead of upgrading to a desktop but I like the portability and this one is like 10x better than my old one that I've had for a few years and it's served its purpose but my new laptop is gonna be the new razer blade laptop. It has all the specs I'm looking for and all the features and that's all I need (posting this from my phone so if the post fucks up that's why)
  14. Gonna post a lot of cooking on the forums today
  15. Grammar Nazi giving lap dances in my admin sit room
  16. It's too late for this but :)
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