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Lunartique last won the day on December 30 2022

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About Lunartique

  • Birthday 09/04/2004


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    Containment Unit 049


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  1. We tested how the Dead Silent gang talent works. Currently the gang talent only reduces the volume of the audio created by lockpicks and keypad crackers, not the range which you can hear them. Personally, it's relatively pointless to have only the volume be reduced, but people still be able to hear it from the same distance. So, do that. Reduce the range at which people hear keypad crackers with the Dead Silent gang talent.
  2. A way to avoid this that I found, is to just destroy the pick-up box itself instead of taking out the items, the entities spawn right above where the pick-up box was. If you're in a small base you'll want to do this.
  3. I just lost two full printer racks because the pick-up box spawned them outside of the map, even asking staff for help and they can't find it. Why not make it so, when pulling out entities from the pick-up box, it would be similar to how you place deployable shields and motion detectors? Before the entity gets placed, you can choose where to place it, and can see a ghost of how it would spawn, so that frustrations caused by pick-up boxes not working properly is avoided.
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13NM6MctlVEqJNwZBiTk-5Vw3CsWSMef7Ol_jYbrUZBk/edit?usp=sharing Notable Points: The average value of a Tier 3 Crate's content (rounded) is $2,000,000. 25% or 1/4 of the loot from a Tier 3 Crate are Rare Weapons. Spirit Jars are twice as valuable than Rare Weapons in a Tier 3 Crate. Dragon Eggs are far from the rarest item in a Tier 3 Crate, with the tokens, rare materials, cereal, and spirit jars rarer than it.
  5. Update the descriptions and visual effects of sonar grenades and sonar bombs. They still have the description of material grenades and material bombs. Same for their visual effects (where lines connect from the grenade/bomb to nearby props). Give us an option to not have the lightning quest pop-up be on our screens, but still be able to do lightning quests, since the lightning quest being always on screen can get obnoxious. An idea I have for this is to have the lightning quest just in the F4 quest menu as well, and just receive notifications of new lightning quests in chat. Have a new job category under favorites that is just the jobs that currently have 3x job XP, so people can quickly see what current jobs have bonus XP without needing to scroll through the entire job menu or opening MOTD. Move back the leaderboard reset hours, it happens on monday for everyone that's UTC+. Actually silence the "silenced" weapons, reduce the range you can hear their noise, and the volume of their noise in general. Some of the weapons that have toggled silencers do not work at all. So that it can be a valid weapon where you are given a reason to consider using them over just the highest TTK weapons (Its the SVU).
  6. The leaderboard reset time is UTC-7, 7:00 PM, Sunday. (This is Phoenix, Arizona timezone, where the server is hosted at) For anyone with a timezone that's UTC+, they're fucked with a leaderboard reset time of midnight or Monday morning. Though I don't really know what the ideal reset time would be.
  7. Recently I was verbally warned by staff "nigga" that making use of invisible props that affect raids in a base are not allowed. When I asked him when this was changed, because to my knowledge, it was allowed, he said that it was always disallowed, just not enforced. However, I believe that there are no rules that states that invisible props in bases are not allowed. The only section in the rules that are related to invisible props and which is commonly referred to by users I was discussing this with is this section in basing rules: "Your base must have a clear path through. This means no full blackout/super dark. bases, invisible bases, or maze bases where the path is not obvious." Now let me break this rule down from my understanding. The first part of the rule states the idea "Your base must have a clear path through.", that raiders must clearly be able to tell how to get from the entrance of the base, to the entities inside of the base. Then "This means no full blackout/super dark. bases, invisible bases, or maze bases where the path is not obvious.", this is explaining the idea of the first sentence, giving examples of what counts as an unclear path, such as blackout/invisible/maze bases. Nowhere here does it state anything about invisible props being disallowed. It simply states that you cannot use a base that is invisible as it will make the path in to the base unclear, same as to blackout/maze bases. To support this interpretation of the rule even more, I have been reported for my base having invisible props back in 2018 and staff has approved of it and said it is fine. The rule is the same and unchanged from 2018 to until now. In the base that I was verbally warned for here, I made use of invisible props to do several things: such as putting invisible slider bars on the floor to make it slippery, having a plate on the ground that block one C4 and prevents it from being gravity gunned, and stacking invisible fences in front of doors in order to make blowtorching through the base take longer. None of these make the path in to the base unclear. This post isn't about whether invisible props in bases should or shouldn't be allowed, there are arguments for both for and against the idea. It's about if it is allowed at the moment, which to my understanding, it is.
  8. watch me blow spawn up again
  9. i've had enchanted matrix activate on a trisha's launcher i was enchanting a couple weeks ago, so i think activating that shit is just rarer than an artifact
  10. Armor: Armor Packs; you don't need anything else. Health: Pro Medkit Medkit Bacta Grenade Health Injector Health Food Heal Bot
  11. not even, they can just relog and in four hours, even if they're playing, their ents will disappear.
  12. think you also need to give your steam id @Rubik
  13. its not like anyone actually drops their money when someone mugs them, they just pull out their gun and start shooting
  14. Make entities stop degrading when the owner logs back on I'm gonna shit myself if my entities keep degrading just because I lost connection / crashed.
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