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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Makoto

  1. Good post. I'll take a swing with a response. Personally, after going through the hell that was a staff team core made up of mostly toxic pd mains + friends (Ironfish, Dev1, HungWang, Hyder, Haze of dream, DA BUSHMASTER), having a staff team core of hardcore basers+raiders is actually refreshing. I don't really base, so my interaction on that end is very minimal. From what I can see, as far as the controversial staff members go, it's mostly bad optics and bad PR. For example, when an active staff member have multiple forums reports against them for harassment, it's bad optics. Even if the reports are all denied, the negative PR has already been established. Each subsequent report does further damage on the PR end. Another example, when the actions of a group of active staff members is deemed to be a rule violation that forces the motd to be edited, that's more bad optics. If more consideration was taken as to how certain actions would look to others, I believe things would change. As for your list of questions about what makes a good staff member, half involve information that isn't publicly available. . Are they taking sits? There's a command that answers that. But only staff have access to that. . Are they responsive with questions? TitsRP as a whole is generally a helpful community. I don't believe that shows if a staff member is good or not due to that alone. . Do they care about the well-being of the server? I don't see a way to quantify that. Just by being on the staff team I'd hope the answer is yes, but that's not always the case . Have they been replying to new staff apps and accepting them when appropriate along with training them? That's information that only current and former staff have access to (on the forums at least. Idk about the Discord)
  2. Will the results be released publicly (like with a chart)? I really want to see the answers to page 2.
  3. Reminds me of Youtube Poop but slightly less random.
  4. https://kotaku.com/nintendo-garrys-mod-takedown-content-1851433656 No more Nintendo addons on Gmod. Rip Nintendo addons.
  5. It was originally like that. Sometime in 2018 it was changed to the hobo model. It was something about improving server performance if I remember correctly. The explanation was that having custom model ragdolls spawn each time the kiss swep was used was resource consuming and having it be one model across the board was the best thing for server performance.
  6. Tip 3. No firearms, no problem. Beat their ass with a Master Sword
  7. Tired of being stealth Weapon Checked, cuffed, and jailed when you're on your CC? Follow my tips and you'll never have to worry about Weapon Checks again. - Tip 1: Buy a gun license. They're part of the PD Panel now. They only cost $2500. That'll eliminate the weapons portion (grenades, firearms, melee weapons) and you'll pass that check. This is the biggest reason you fail the Weapon Check. I was shocked by the number of ppl without a gun license. - Tip 2: Swap all raiding tools off your CC. Sorry ppl. Those pop up on the Weapon Checker. No lockpicks (or their reskins). No keypad crackers. No breaching charges. - Tip 3: "So wtf can I have on my CC that won't fail a Weapons Check?" I've got you covered. Custom thrower sweps (plushies, angry hobo swep), Medkits (and their reskins), Master Sword (and their reskin), every firearm (as long as you have a gun license). What about kidnap sweps? I'm only 50% sure that gun licenses cover them. When I get a chance, I'll check and post an update.
  8. Go cock suck Haze in a different community. Fuckin bozo

  9. Rip Haze_of_dream. Jan 6, 2024 - Feb 15?, 2024. You lasted longer than I expected. Go be a shitter in some other community.

  10. It sucks that even you, a TitsRP admin and long time player can't do anything about that attack. Why? Because Discord is a third party. This is outside of TitsRP's control. But if everything was centralized through the forums, a false report attack is impossible. Also, Reiko, don't go. We love you here
  11. Apparently some cuck has been going around the TitsRP Discord and falsely reporting users for being underage. Because of the way Discord operates (ban first approach), some people have been affected by this. It's over. The TitsRP Discord has ran its course. It's likely for the best. What started as a great tool for the community has devolved into a cesspool of drama and toxicity. My solution (as the title suggests) is to permanently migrate over to the forums. What does Discord offer that isn't already on the forums? Instantly send banter? Shoutbox. Fancy roles? Forums can do that. DMs? Forums has that. Staff communication? Privileges can be granted/ revoked on the forums. The most important reason is direct control. Instead of being subject to a third-party's TOS, @Rubikand @KDawg would have direct control with their own TOS. Some random cuck false reporting people wouldn't work. At least think about it.
  12. Holy 260+ replies on that. Is there going to be a condensed summary of all the approved changes / announcement?
  13. What's the final, concrete stance on competency tests? The written rule says, no, they're not allowed. Some smods say (and enforce) that as long as the questions are related to pd, that it's ok. One Super Admin just refers to the written rule. Others say that since Coconut is now gone that his rule change was rushed (from their pov) that it's sort of out the window. Either they're gone or they're not gone. The pancake flipping is clearly causing some confusion.
  14. How do you know that they're not in some private Discord server plotting shit right now? After all @wolf2297, you've been very vocal lately. Almost too vocal. A comm removal might be your future. Don't slip up.
  15. Me reading this thread: https://giphy.com/gifs/michael-jackson-6pJNYBYSMFod2 So the 2 main discussion points in this post are raiding/basing and badmins. For the raiding/basing thing, there's at least 15 pages worth of threads over the years. Circular conversation at this point. The badmin thing is a bit more interesting. In my years playing gmod (on various servers), I've seen alboth sides of "that one hated admin". The one thing that was in common was that the people who thought they were targetted by "that one hated admin" were never in their thoughts like that at all. That's right. Ninety-nine percent of the time, "that one hated admin" isn't thinking about you at all. As a man who loves a good conspiracy theory, it pains me greatly to say it, but the current "that one hated admin" likely isn't some boogeyman shadow emperor pulling strings and treating the server like a chess board. I could be wrong, but cmon, let's be real for a moment. All that being said, on the flip side, "that one hated admin" is clearly hated by certain vocal elements of the community for whatever reason(s). While "that one hated admin" doesn't think much about their haters, their haters think a lot about them. Those haters are very much waiting very patiently for "that one hated admin" to slip up. God help "that one hated admin" when the slip up does inevitably happen. I've seen it play out multiple times on multiple servers (including here). It'll be a very fun time on the forums that's for sure (unless the drama plays out on Discord ).
  16. I agree to a certain extent. However, the server history has to be taken into account when looking at that data. Simply put, during the 8-9 months of the (school) year, this server has always averaged 55-80 something players. The only thing that has changed over the years is the number of server slots. Back in 2017 (when I first joined), it was 75 slots. As I type this, the current server population is 65. 65/75 doesnt look too bad. Sometime in early 2018, the number of server slots was increased to 90. 65/90 doesn't look too bad and the population goes up to the mid-upper 80s as it gets closer to midnight. Sometime in 2020, the number of server slots increased to 128 (as KDawg always wanted). 65/128 looks horrible and is subject to threads like this. Thank God summer is always around to pump those numbers up. Covid messed things up a bit, but now it's more or less back to normal. I invite you to look at the following gametracker link and navigate over to the "Historical Data" chart and click 30 days: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ I then want you to imagine how that chart would look if the number of slots on the server was 90 as opposed to 128. Ah shit, you got me pushing my old narrative again. This is why I want to wait until the summer (preferably mid July). It's great to see that a (seemingly) newer player cares so much. That bodes well for the server's future.
  17. Take a quick look at this post from last year. Literally the same situation (server was averaging 55-85 or so) Do you want to know how that ended? The server went back to averaging 100+ within 1 month and I looked like a clown. I'll continue to reserve my judgement until next summer since the server population always picks up during summer months (as it always has). This claim makes a lot of assumptions. All I will say is that school does have a major impact on player count. What do think the main demographic that plays TitsRP is? I'll leave it at that and see what happens next summer.
  18. Dude.... your warn appeal got denied and you decide to post a "server is shit" thread. Anyway, it's too early for this type of conversation. Historically (aka pre-Covid), TitsRP was a summer server. Summer months, the place would always be packed then once the (American) school year started, the player count would dip. If it's mid-July 2024 and the numbers are still like this, then it's time to really take a hard look. Until then, just take the L on your warn appeal.
  19. I wasn't talking about basing in the first part of my post. I said active school year = lower player count. That's been true for as long as I've been on TitsRP. Everything else you typed I agree with. I made by post just to say that basing/raiding meta issues do not have a significant impact on player count issues (for the most part) Oof. Now this, I take a little personally because of how true it is xD
  20. I'll start by addressing the easiest part of this thread to tackle. The player count thing is normally cyclical. In fact, I'm actually surprised that it took this long for the player numbers to get back down to usual school year numbers. As a general rule, the server usually stays at 50-75 players throughout the school year with numbers often spiking during holiday times. There's more I want to say on this subject, but it's a conversation for a different time. If in the middle of July the numbers are still like this, then I'll 100% be back to talk my shit (as @Rubikknows :3). Moving on to the new track this thread has taken. Basing. Oh boy basing. If you type basing in the search bar, you get 1108 results over 45 pages (dating back to 2015 when the server first started). It's a hot button topic that's been discussed the entire existence of TitsRP. For the purposes of this thread I'll define "basing" as basing with entities to earn rpcash. Just to separate entity basing from kidnap basing. All that being said, I strongly disagree with the direction this thread is taking. Quite frankly @Terrryand his basing buddies are not responsible for the current decline in the server's population at all. The current basing "meta" (if you can even call it that) is not responsible for the current decline in the server's population. If the basing meta was that significant an issue, this place would have died years ago. The basing meta cannibalized itself due to years of neglect and those eggs have now come home to roost. Think about the number of "basing is dead" threads or "raiding is dead" threads that have popped up over the past year or so. Despite that, the server was still pulling 100+ a night. Maybe (just maybe) a lot of players don't find basing fun anymore? I know a lot of people (myself included) that straight up do not base. There's a lot more to do on the server than base. Does the server even revolve around basing? I'm pretty sure that the Mayor and cops are the new main focal point of activity. Hell, you ask the cp mains, they'll tell you that playing cp earns the most money outside of basing. Most of these basing threads (and the aftermath) follow a loop: The basing meta is broken. -> Players propose changes to the basing meta. -> The proposed changes get largely shut down by the hardcore basers who benefit the most from the current meta. -> Almost nothing changes -> Players stop basing and explore other activities on the server. -> The newer players who actually want to base notice that no one really bases anymore (You are here) -> The basing meta is broken. The issues with basing have festered for years, but the server population has remained stable. It's not basing, trust me. It's a combination of several factors.. The main factor is just the time of year.
  21. Oh shit, this is your forums account Bathroom?! You're one of the best and most creative Mayors to have ever played! RIP your ban from 3-4 months ago. Anyway, your decreased time on the server follows a natural flow tbh. Averaging 40 hrs a week for ~3 years will lead to server fatigue/burnout and I'm surprised you didn't scale your time back sooner. Still visit sometimes and run for Mayor. This place definitely needs Mayors like you.
  22. I'm willing to play Devil's Advocate for Evocity. For the purpose of this post, Evocity will refer to rp_evocity_v33x. I'll start by asking why TitsRP can't be that decent server? On a 100+ player night, I can easily see evocity being used to its full potential. Evocity has plenty of features that overlap with downtown_tits_v2 such as . dedicated gambling area . fountain/park (where the current NPCs could be placed) . PD with jail (honestly, that jail could be its own PrisonRP) . good size body of water that could be used for fishing (rip scuba diver and shark jobs) . A large selection of shops, homes, and industrial bases to rp in Evocity's size can actually enhance the RP and playability of the server. Vehicles are readily available and can easily overcome the large horizontal size of the map. Maybe more vehicles can be added since Evocity has a built-in car dealership (TDM Cars anyone?). There is an off-road slum that can easily serve as a hobo homeland. PD is super big and houses a FBI office (CP mains would rejoice). There is a built-in hospital (I'd move the health station there and have a separate armor station still in the pd) that borders the suburbs and could spread the population out a bit. I'll quickly address the lack of sewers. Evocity does not have sewers. It makes up for it with a lot of large warehouse/industrial scale bases. Those are more or less the same type of bases that are in the sewers. If the sewers section of downtown_tits_v2 was its own horizontal section, then downtown_tits_v2 would likely be as large as evocity_v33x. Thank you for reading my mini essay.
  23. The following is the workshop link to rp_c18_v2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=132937160 One of the first things I noticed is that this map was originally posted on March 19, 2013 and last updated May 22, 2013. So you're suggesting we switch from a 5 year old map to an 11 year old map? C'mon man. The current map is perfect and iconic at this point (see how many other servers use downtown_tits_v2). If you ever have a chance, subscribe to the original downtown_tits and open it up in single player. You'll never say anything against downtown_tits_v2 again, I can guarantee that.
  24. When I saw the UNICEF, UN, and stopbullying.gov stuff, I thought this was a joke post. I realize that this is indeed a serious post. Oh boy... First of all, harassment is against the server rules. Clearly the definitions of harassment differ. The server's definition is repeated targetting over a proven significant period of time. Yours seems to be intentional misgendering(?) or something. As for the hate speech part. That's also against server rules. Everything you mentioned (except the misgendering nonsense) is against the server rules. You just have to gather actual evidence if you want anything done about it. You must be new here because this is actually the most tame period in the server's history. I can only imagine the meltdown you would have had in the pre-2020 days (IYKYK). Take a step back and realize you came on the forums of a server on a game that's almost 16 years old to talk about harassment and hate speech. Don't take this place too seriously. You're taking it way too personally. Just find your people and chill. Then shoot anyone starting shit (after 3 adverted warns of course).
  25. This is something that I have noticed a lot of in the 11 months I've returned to being active. This is how it usually goes down. I call a sit against someone I accuse of mass rdming. The staff member who accepted the sit brings me. The staff member then teleports and jails the person I have accused. The sit proceeds from there. Other times I see players getting teleported and jailed for non mass rdm sits only to be unjailed within 5 minutes. What's going on there? I swear teleporting and jailing was never so widely used a few years ago. What happened? I believe that teleporting and jailing before speaking to the accused starts sits off on the wrong foot. Psychologically, the accused is likely to believe that they are already being presumed as guilty and the quality of the sit suffers. That's partially why ban appeals where the poster types some form of "The staff member didn't listen to me" happen. Speaking of presuming guilt, anytime a staff member asks "Why did you [insert rule violation here] this player?", when in a sit, I internally facepalm. That's a textbook example of presuming guilt that causes the accused to behave defensively. That's part of where the perceived bad attitudes from players in sits come from. This behavior is killing the quality of sits. Now I'm not here to type out a rant without any solutions to my grievances. My solutions are what I did when I was a staff member way back in the day and I'm putting my 0 report against and 0 ban appeals on bans I issued record on the line. The following is what I think can bring dignity and quality back to sits: . When you bring players to a sit, tell the accused what they are there for in a *non-accusatory* way. For example: Player A has accused you of [rule violation here]. Or Player A says you [rule violation here]. Trust me, when the sit starts like that, the accused will be DYING to tell their side. (NOTE: Saying "Why did you rdm this person?" is what NOT to do. You do that and you've set an accusatory tone that will carry through the entire sit.) . Cut down on the jailing. Give the players some dignity. If you believe someone might snap, have your admin stick out and set it to the freeze function. If a player tries any shenanigans, you freeze them, jail them, unfreeze them, and continue with the sit. Feel free to discuss what you think about this topic and what I said on it.
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