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My Profile Is A Lie


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by My Profile Is A Lie

  1. Half of this shit is just definitions for actual disabilities or generalized situations, have you READ through this? and the post directly afterwards claiming homosexual to be offensive is pretty funny, it's literally the definition of their relations with no form of slur or negative connotation prior to what YOU associate with it.
  2. I apologize for the disregard of said rule and my confusion, i just believed it was potentially useful to have another perspective than what was already repeatedly seen on the thread. I see what you're saying though, thank you for your reply.
  3. BIG props to yike for having the drive to try to see change in something he somehow still has faith in despite the potential adversity. I've seen all the points Yike has brought up. Staff bias, "us vs them" or clique mentalities, suppression of users on forums or in game. The staff team is doing good PR on the thread, but i don't believe everything they say. I'd like to see something to show the claims that the staff team is moving in a positive direction. From my first memories of the server and the staff team, the staff team got more politically correct, more restrictive on player speech, more separated, and more disconnected from the actual player base and how they feel (partially referencing higher up staff that i wont name, just know i genuinely believe 2/3 main big boys are very good for the server and should get the appreciation they deserve.) Now, getting punished for making non-personal or malicious jokes in a videogame made to have fun and create your own experience just doesnt sound right, thats not to say let all hell break loose, as things definitely go too far when emotion is mixed in, but sometimes it can seem like your fingers are tapping on egg shells sorta speak. I also noticed that staff value their experience over a standard player's. Which seems natural as humans to put yourself first however, the disparity between what most staff are willing to give up from their own experience for another player's experience seems larger than before. The comments i make are not directed at the staff team as a whole, but certain individuals or groups. A few very kind, intelligent, and over all good staff members are lower rank than those who give me the reason to negatively comment on the staff team. The image i will attach was on Silver's discord ban appeal, the thread seemed to be the same comments regurgitated so I put an input that wasn't "make a better appeal" "you should know better than to make that kind of joke." As non-staff im generally not supposed to comment on those things, but, the only comments were essentially echoing the ban reason or about his appeal title. My comment was deleted with no reason or warning points. I had an assumption that would happen which is why i screenshotted it. I believe this can serve as an example of suppression given the replies prior to mine, the player in question having poor relation with the commenting staff, and the action taken for my comment.
  4. A CC with a broken model and a jetpack. Seems legit.
  5. I like this idea, gives more diversity to building which sounds like more fun.
  6. I like this idea as it indirectly buffs printers (which since my ban were trash compared to other ents and I doubt they're any better now). Well, not even a buff, it's like a quality of life change cause pickup boxes. Either way, makes sense logically and gameplay wise IMO.
  7. Something like a "prestige system" made into a shop that costs insane amounts of money for cosmetics or random quality of life perks up to a max? A full wipe will cause both good and bad, optional shit will... Just don't make it OP. And it'll probably be good.
  8. TL;DR -1, focus on other money-makers. Procs ARE strong as you make a lot of money with a lot of them, but having 60 procs is uncommon. Results in high stakes raids which (in my opinion) makes the raid more intense and more fun. Procs aren't the problem, the other money-making entities are. Drugs feel like they're in a really good spot, bitminers feel in a good spot, low effort,low income. Printers need to be buffed. They're blatantly worse than the other options I've mentioned. Idk how meth works, but from what I've heard procs are just better, so maybe buff meth as it seems to definitely be more work. This could also cause powercreep as it's mostly buffs, but I'm just giving my observations and suggestions.
  9. +1 this would also make cereal more farmable, so I'm curious on the suggested timer.
  10. +1 For the sewerlord, 300 might be too much, 150 sounds reasonable. +1 For the shark ideas. Overall pretty good
  11. We must player target the femboys, and kill them off the server, raid them on raid timer, c4 their public bases, and RDM them every moment you see them. Looks like great fun you guys are having! I love farming drugs with my friends, if I could and wasn't banned!
  12. +1 A talisman for this would add more versatility and creativity to utilizing raiding tools such as C4 and timebombs
  13. So since basing and raiding are "even", then an economical nerf to raiding vs a buff to basing would make basing ahead. Lol
  14. -1, just keep kidnapping, maybe reduce max price box from 30k, new players get hit the hardest by this, and the only reason kidnapping is a "problem" is because new players join, get sacked, pay 30k, now run around broke not knowing what to do.
  15. We all hate losing our items, after we worked so hard to get that bread and make a base. There's also A LOT of raiding tools for people to use, however, throughout my time of playing, this is the WORST meta I've seen for basing. I see the same typical base designs in the same spots (cause they're the best), and it takes hundreds of thousands of raiding tools to beat them. Solo-defending a good base is easier than being the 2-3 man raiding party on the other end without the use of c4, smoke, talismans. So you just blew 200k on raiding tools to get someone's base, and get their entities. Now you have to bring them to your base, hoping you won't die from RDM or some kind of Rp confrontation. If you finally get those juicy printers and maybe even a processor, now you can finally harvest the cash. Oh... 25% less from other people's printers. To add insult to injury, you gain 50% more from your own printers. This encourages a playstyle of getting on, putting down a dupe, and afk grinding for hours. It's an anti-social playstyle, people aren't contributing to any form of entertainment on the server via rp, chat, raiding, etc., except a base to raid... and potentially lose money for raiding... even if you're successful. The basing/raiding aspect of the server from what I've seen is at an all time low and it just makes it boring. Make printers give MORE money for not owning it, if you get a reward, it should be for a risk, not for camping behind a dupe you bought off bunzix while you jerk off watching your money come in.
  16. Nothing but high quality staff on this server! :^)
  17. Bunziix helped alot, I told mcstankers so he's good now, it is still buggy though.
  18. I have the same problem as mcstankers, but it's for individual potion making, as in it just says i don't have the required amount even though i have 1 elm wood and 1 bottle to make 1 hp pot. Nvm, I see what you're saying (I think) I'll tell him when i see him lol
  19. I have this same issue, my gang is level 21 or 22, but I only have 1 talent point.
  20. Bug Description: Getting hit while using damage TP talisman can force you into a wall. How to reproduce: Wear talisman, get hit while near the wall, or hit someone with the talisman while they're near a wall. Priority: High Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/l537ah
  21. Let's be real, going in OOC or PM'ing them they say "I'm RP'ing" But they're jerking off on a roof lol. 90% of the time I understand all this, but still you're staff for a reason so... Atleast take like 5 a day or even 1 if you can only get on for an hour
  22. Okay, so MANY staff just sit somewhere and they say they're "rping" I've been on that roof on the tunnel, you're rdm'ing each other and talking to each other... its really not RP, plus when there's like 4 or 5 of you, who's gonna take sits? I get RP'ing while staff, I used to be staff, but when NOBODY else is taking them, there's like 5 of you, just take a few sits and then say you want to rp and other staff should take sits. It's really not hard to handle the server's sits when there are 8 staff on, but it is if only 1 is active... yeah, you can guess. I made a poll, please answer honestly. https://strawpoll.com/ezggxf8w
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