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Mr. Peanut Butter


Mr. Peanut Butter last won the day on November 18 2018

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About Mr. Peanut Butter

  • Birthday 09/22/1996


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  • Location
    Vegas AO

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  1. It's supposed to do that already, its a bug so +1
  2. woof woof have to start drama on a resignation thread because I can't let a man say goodbye peacefully woof woof sexy you better comeback or i will eat your toes. you cant threaten me with a good time no u
  3. I find that promoting people based solely on how "well known" they are usually doesn't work out well. yeah I'm sure people who have been on the server for 5 days are much more qualified
  4. people you trust? more like yall giving staff to just anyone.. theres like 24 staff members and only maybe 4 or 5 of them are actually well known
  5. things like this should be posted in the mods/admins folder or sent directly to sugar to avoid mass awareness of the exploit that may cause abuse.
  6. is there such thing as a double perma? I'm +1 for a double perma
  7. I'm 22 now, I've been having to do a lot of adulting that either takes up hecka time, makes me exhausted, or both. With a peak population of around 10,000 total registered users as of around last year, I would assume a good percentage of people have a similar reason for only showing up once in a blue moon. Another reason is that there isn't much going on with 35 or less players on, so a lot of people, such as myself, will not even try to get on unless there's like 50-60+ people on
  8. dumb suggestion. the only people who enjoy kidnapping is those like you who do it all day
  9. the first time I saw this happen I thought it was legit because I couldn't find the model I had purchased for my CCs. when I saw it happen again for something I did still have I made sure not to click the refund button and X'ed it out instead. If my playermodel does still exist and I get it back though I will be okay with the money going back to whoever owns the model. It was only like a few mil anyway.
  10. There isn't a record for kicks. just written warns and bans
  11. ah yes, TitsRP, a place where you can roleplay as a mass shooter who shoots cops first and then everyone else but if you say anything that resembles a certain nono word god help you.
  12. no because it's still plural but no one cares, certainly not juan
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