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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Psychopathic

  1. Past couple days the Fading doors have been saying "There is a prop within your prop! You cannot unfade this!"

    Bug/Quality of Life



    Description:Past couple days the Fading doors have been saying "There is a prop within your prop! You cannot unfade this!" and the Stacker tool has been saying "Stacked props cannot be spawned within other props"


    How to reproduce: Unfade/fade a door that is partially inside another prop and attempt to stack a prop partially into another prop


    Priority: Medium/high for each, makes building new bases a pain in the ass

  2. Bug

    Description: Everyone lost... everything lol. Server DC'd then came back up... people logged in and everyone was sitting as if they were new players to the server


    How to reproduce: No idea what happened...


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low) ... kind of extremely high lol. people are kind of freaking out about it at the moment

  3. Just want to say that these two have been doing a really good job when they are moderating the server...


    From what I've seen, and can personally attest to, they are quick to get to sits... with fair/concise rulings. Just wanted to point out that they are doing a good job and wanted to point it out somewhere :D


    This is mostly cause I normally only see bitching about mods/admins... and fuck that lol.

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