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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Psychopathic

  1. It was over half a year ago and most of the npc's were deleted before I started deleting them, the server would have been restarted. Theres no way they could have made it 7 hours without the NPC's


    I know. I fucked up, I was just messing around before a restart.


    ... Do you have Sugars number? I don't... So how the fuck... w/e not arguing it. Still video proof of you abusing no clip, and abusing the ability to remove npcs/ world props. And still standing by what i said earlier.

  2. Putting together a tmod (with dates they became tmods), mod, admin list that stays updated with the promotions, demotions, etc


    Since we don't have "head moderators" and talking about promoting people to admin is like pulling teeth, have a couple mods have admin/Sugars approval for going through appeals and shit to get them wrapped up. "Waiting for a higher ups decision" that takes a week isn't right. 



    Idk how, but force moderators/tmods to read the change logs... /add it to the in game motd


    edit: add all user commands to motd

  3. So, going down the list

    1. This is already in place, we do when we can. But if you're mid sit and need to take a second you write out the reasoning most people won't read it, or not make another sit
    2. If it involves the same people, sure... But if it's two separate cases people get confused too easily and it creates a shit show... this is usually bad
    3. Generally speaking staff don't get to "just tell other staff you're going to rp" we don't have enough staff... 
    4. When you log in you're pretty much on duty... you take sits when you can. obviously there are exceptions to 3 and 4 but usually the second you're online to the second you log off you are considered on duty on this server. You don't get any legit breaks according to persons have explained it.

    For the next bullets

    1. NoNo, no no no no no... getting kidnapped is boring as fuck the way it is. Just throwing people into a fucking cell for 5 minutes isn't rp, it's being a dick. This shouldn't be adding to the minge fest
    2. Eh,  understand this one
    3. Food is supposed to be added shortly with the gang updates 
    4. We have one... the bank manager... he creates a base spawns the bank and does his thing. But literally everyone tries to raid them so it's never worth itit
    5. !clothing

    Last set

    1. Sugar might be adding to the actual theatre, so will probably be added
    2. No, people own the skin already and it's the same job as cultist
    3. Eh... how would that work? Need to fleshflesh out an idea with it
    4. This is Batman 

  4. So... I'm thinking this is a bug with the way Sugar made it so you can't access your inventory for 5 minutes after being kidnapped. I had a sit yesterday from someone about this same thing. Assumed it was client side. 


    Along with the current bugs with kidnapping that there is no cooldown and you can instantly kill yourself in console

  5. Shard, it's because no one enforced that section prior. But since "all the staff sucks and only rp", but to make it easier for the "30% of staff that don't suck and only rp" we will be enforcing those rules. It's not retroactive... 


    The only solution I'm seeing from people is to force people to step down that "are only rping"... but don't have proof of it... but i can fucking guarantee that if you got rid of more staff members there would INSTANTLY be claims that we have no fucking staff -.-


    It's still just bloody bitching without a solid solution... get rid of staff that "only rp", but there are never any staff on /facepalm

  6. Another couple things...

    Validate garrys mod


    Update graphics card


    Fresh mods, delete all and reinstall them


    Fresh install of garrys mod



    Also may depend on your computer having some kind of issue... pc specs and os? My old ass lap top  can run gmod but with a lot of bugs. Its Vista, 3gb of ram and the cpu idles at 50% though so that's probably part of it lol

  7. Had a long essay wrote, deleted it. 


    This is going nowhere. If you don't like the current staff either bring up a solution or become staff. This thread is becoming a cancer though.

  8. DO NOT call an admin for a single RDM, go talk to guy who killed you or ask in OOC why he killed you

    DO NOT call an admin without a specified reason. Ex: "ADMIN 2 ME PLZ" is not allowed "Hey admin, player x is mass RDMing right now, can you help out?"

    DO NOT call an admin for general questions, ask people in OOC or the forums

    DO NOT call an admin constantly. Spamming admin chat will have you kicked / banned

    DO NOT call an admin for moderator applications. Just apply on the forums

    DO NOT call an admin for a refund on weapons or money, we can not spawn weapons or money


    When we say we're going to follow the sit guidelines to the T, these are what we're talking about. It's right in the MOTD, which quite honestly none of the staff has followed before... until this thread.


    So I apologize, but no... your single RDM case will not be taken until you make an effort to ask the person that killed you.

  9. Read all of this, and will begin to follow the guidelines for sits as well. From now on single rdms, bullshit sit requests ie "omg rdmmmmmmmmmmmmm", and reports for rdm that are not completed will be ignored. 


    Not going to be maliciously compliant, but will now follow the sit guidelines completely.

  10. Yea Monoxide, decent sized update. 


    And Gnome... show me any game that releases new content and doesn't have bug fixes shortly after. I mean fuck, show me a new released game that doesn't have day 1 bug fixes. 


    Quit with the negativity, shit... it's a one man coding crew for s server that's fucking free to you.

  11. Gnome it's day one of the changes. Instead of just bitching about it, report it to Sugar in a civil manner. New content will always have bugs and bug fixes shortly after. 


    But acting like an asshole is going to make you be treated like an asshole...


    Haven't been on yet, I'm interested in the changes as I think they are going to be nice in the long run after tweaks are done to them

  12. Have all kidnapped people have a lockpick when they wake up. 


    From what I've seen, no cops needs to get a warrant anymore. If you want someone you can blow down the base pretty easily, kind of annoying. Miss the added check (mayor approving a warrant, maybe allow judge Gabe to do the same?)


    Possibility for gang weapons? Pay x amount for your gang to spawn with a certain weapon or swep (probably a high cost, or only have officers of the gang spawn with them)


    Someone go through and write up the No Category Jobs on the main rule page. 


    Allow staff to take a break... to turn off the (Moderator) tag before there name for a little bit. Not saying for days on end, but just a couple hours here and there under a different name lol. Held under the same scrutiny but able to rp a little bit. I'm even iffy on this one but would like to have a chance to rp... less chance of burn out and hopefully keep mods longer. 


    Some kind of moderator bonus? Or prize? Idk, something to strive for. Whether it's x amount of sits with no rediculous reports of blatant sucking at your job and you get a swep (a cool one would be the Ban Hammer swep) or something along that. Nothing crazy good, but something cool to try for.


    I'm bored... And just kind of spitballing ideas out there to see if anything is decent or sparks someone else to think of better.

  13. I honestly have no idea how to fix it, but something to stop the mass rdm that happens between crips and bloods. Or an easier way for them to start their gang wars. Ie crip kills a blood, the crip leader should get a popup asking if he wants to start a war, or make a command !war or !gangwar to bring up the war screen. Idk... had to ban 8 crip/blood people last night because they couldn't bloody understand the war npc mechanic.

  14. Atm i think it's more about stability and performance for increasing slots, not money or hardware. Atm 90 people online the map gets crowded, and areas like the pd can have godawful fps (and i can GUARANTEE it's not my pc, my pc is god mode lol). 


    Sugar, are there other game modes you would be interesting in?  Idk shit about the other games modes lol.


    Another possibility... find a sister server... idk if that's a thing between gmod communities but the clan i was in on cs: s did that. We had 4 servers run between 2 communities that eventually melded into one




    On the more of the Positive side; You could have like  a secondary map for it? Let's say like, we already have DarkRP_Downtown, Imagine if there'd be a different map from the workshop, but with extensions, as if there was a new "Country" That you can move to.



     This actually sounds awesome, idk if it would be possible but have it so when you go down into one of the highway tunnels you are brought to the other server or something?

  15. Not only the staff, but the community would be split. And would create some interesting conflicts with the inventory and money.


    Atm we can barely keep good staff the way it is, split it into two servers and you'll have two servers with no staff and then no players. 


    Thinking to the extreme side a bit but i don't think two servers is the answer, at least at the moment

  16. Allowing moderators to make decisions on unbanning (ban appeals that have over-welming support for unban/shorten of ban)


    update of some rules (IE where the fuck are the rules for Spawn of heck) - all of these no rules category jobs should just have their job descriptions added to the main server rules for clarity - ease of use https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4#nocat


    Because it keeps fucking happening - punishment for deleting dupe to bring in stolen goods then placing dupe back down after the goods are in. If someone chases after you into your base is it considered Exploiting (using adv dupe to gain an advantage), or fail basing with some kind of ban time

  17. I see what you mean, but it's kinda excessive. If I see two similar requests, I only add one of them to the Trello. Also, the meetings are recorded and will be uploaded, so don't worry about being unable to attend the meeting.



    It's more about making the whole process easier, along with helping users not have to go through 180 pages of a single thread to see if their suggestion has been made 5 times, then forgot about because it's a single thread that is 180 pages lol. There are things in that thread that were talked about for about 3 replies then lost because the next person added a new idea to the thread. Guess I'm asking for it to be talked about a bit in the meeting if possible. I most likely won't be around for it though

  18. Just a thought as well, instead of having this thread, plus the server suggestion thread why not consolidate everything into its own category that people can make threads about x issue/y suggestion then have it be talked about in that separate thread and in the meetings. Then if something is changed, denied, etc have the old threads be perma deleted/purged. A little extra work but would help from having two very similar threads getting way too large.


    Would also aid in if someone had a suggestion that would like to be brought to attention but unable to be around for the meeting.

  19. With this logic, we would have a total of 2 moderators and have a player base of 5. For a select few I can EASILY see it as them just needing the moderator tag, but for the rest they help when they can. It's rough being constantly yelled at by minges that they are going to report you because they got in bloody trouble. It gets confusing when in a situation of you got rdmed x5 by the same person, did you rdm them back? Well then it's both of your faults. And imagine this, a full server of 90 ppl, 45 of those people make one sit every 30 minutes. 5 staff online. Each person needs to take 9 of those sits in 30 minutes when over half will take longer than 5 minutes. We do our best and simply complaining with no offer of a better course of action is on you. If you have a complaint you should have a solution in mind.

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