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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Rokoiscrazy

  1. No hun, im going to delete channels, Especially if their inactive or DONT even use the channel...
  2. You really don't have a say. I remove channels most of the time because it gets way too Unorganized. The top people who can do things are as listed bellow: - Allysa (Me) - Sugar - Toecan - Morins - Gazooks - Crt Considering i made all the rules and channels, But i might go into consideration in adding some new ones preventing this.
  3. Mod app Comments! And my opinion. Ok, so it has come to my attention that some people comment Weird/Random stuff on other people's Mod/staff apps. My thing is that people make these apps to either get Accepted or denied correct? So please don't just randomly put some comment that you don't really mean. People that i've seen post Weird/Stupid comments. 1) Taj 2) Savage Iguana 3) Mr. President (Does it once in a blue moon) 4) Toasted Llama And there are a lot of more people doing this. If someone posts a mod app please give a sincere comment giving an actual opinion on them either becoming Mod/staff in general. Examples: +1 I really like the way you act in most situations, I hope you get it! -1 I don't like how immature you are, you get angry most of the time. Neutral, I don't really see you on. Plus most of the you're afk. Examples in what NOT to do: +1 You're girl +1 Yaaa dood +1 I deep fried my dick What i'm trying to say here is please give a truthful answer/comment on someones app that they tried so hard to make. I mean how would you feel if someone tarnished your mod app? Bottom line just please dont do it.
  4. Rokoiscrazy

    The bae

    When bae looks at someone elses picture on instagrarm.. AND LIKES IT http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500628666
  5. I've had this idea for awhile, i've suggested this to you on TS3.. But you dont really take it seriously. Anyways, I think we should add the job Mayor's Daughter. Why? Because now, most of the jobs have more then one perpouse. Esspecially Crips/Bloods Now instead of just the Crips killing the bloods, Now they have a new objective CAPTURE THE MAYORS DAUGHTER! I really really really like this idea! Hopefully this will be added. I thanks for this thread. This would really HELP the server to entertain the players with unique addons/Jobs. Thanks!
  6. I agree with big Booty Judy, Some mods/admins on the server just get info from one side and then ban the other person.. So kan even though 5 people told you about him or not.. you're supposed to talk to him first.
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