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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by TitsRP

  1. I don't know what you're asking but its like this:


    There are rules to stop people from going over the speed limit, people will follow these rules to an extent..but 5 - 10 MPH above the speed limit is generally accepted across the US. So in theory, you're breaking the law and cops may pull you over and give you a warning or a ticket or w/e they have to do. But for the most part, they don't care.


    That's how it works with raiding new players. While it's in the rules, it's not enforced to the point where we are checking play times and comparing people to make sure who they raided is not "new". If the people are complaining saying "Hey, this custom class is FUCKING OP, I HATE THIS P2W SERVER, ALL I WANT TO DO IS BUILD A MONEY PRINTER", then a staff can help. It should be a courtesy to not raid the people with the 1 small bitminer. Except, people will still do it because they are ignorant for the most part.


    While all custom class weapons are usually modified to CSS weapons (which legit means that a CSS M4 is just as good as XxMLgSuperNoScopes4423's Golden Bling M4 because it has the same damage, recoil, ammo, ect), people still find a way to say custom classes are REALLY OP. Which is mainly false. It's just that they do spawn with the weapons every time they die which gives them an advantage..but by all means does not make them overpowered. Plus guns are more common than CP in the server so it's not that hard to really get one.


    I digress, but the bottom line is that you can raid who ever and when ever if you're not a custom class. If you are a custom class, just pick on people who are your own size. Don't raid little Jimmy because he has a small bitminer that MUST be yours. Give the guy a chance.

  2. How about you add the black currency coins back in and use them to open Rare cases?


    Like 5 coins = Money Case (10k-500k idk)


    10 coins could be a rare item case (Raven Stone, Tesla Rifle, Molotov Cocktails etc.)


    20 could be a High Money Case (1m-5m)



    and any others you might wanna add in


    The way black currency worked was by giving you a chance to earn one when you received XP. Since it would be really unoptimized to make a timer that runs every x minutes / hours that has a chance to give a user a coin, it's better to just call a random chance when an user does something if you understand what I am saying. 


    There is no action that I can really do that doesn't exploit the system in some way shape or form. I can make it so you can redeem your DarkRP cash for them but that defeats the purpose of randomly getting them. Making it so you have a chance to get one with killing someone queues up the people at 3 AM killing their friends over and over. Making it so you have a chance to get one by farming a money printer queues up 5 friends spawning them in and letting one friend collect all of the money to get the coins to then do x y z with them. 


    Plus, I made it integrated to the Leveling System so I would have to extract that and just make a single database table that stores one value..which I guess doesn't matter too much but it's kinda silly to just do that.

  3. March 6th Changelog


    • Made it significantly harder to get custom weapons or regular guns in general from the processor
    • Added a VIP vendor that sells VIP
    • Added back the rock paper scissors npc to gamble your money away
    • Fixed physgun for printers and bitminers
    • Fixed gravgun for printers and bitminers

  4. I want to make a request:


    Can you get rid of seeing what others have unboxed in chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I AM GETTING AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Yea, it is really annoying if someone spams keys but seeing what people unboxed isn't the worst thing in the world.


    Can we change the Russian Roulette pistol to this one http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=561624676&searchtext= 

    In real Russian Roulette you can shoot the other person and then shoot your self if you didn't shoot them. So can you either use this one or change the current one, thanks!


    I think the Russian roulette we have now is fine. The real purpose is to just die. I don't think having the choice to possibly kill someone would be the best option


    In regards to C4 and doorcharges, doorcharges are not OP considering they blow down only door props. C4 is there for the groups that make crouch bases which kinda make it "impossible to raid". You may be asking "well then just outlaw crouch bases and remove c4". I could but that limits people into what they can build. This server isn't rp, it's basically who can build the best base and survive. So restricting options would not be the best choice. Do I think it's a little OP? Well for 500k for 1 (I think) is pretty reasonable. But people may get them through the processor or something which kinda hinders the new players. It's a nifty tool that will break people's bases a bit. I can look into it and see if it's too powerful and if it's blowing down too many props.


    Experienced players should not be raiding new players. It's actually a rule for custom classes "3) You cannot raid new players. Pick on people your own size". If you see this happening, let a staff member know and they will deal with them. Of course it's hard to really limit people and really tell who is new and who isn't but custom classes are generally more over powered the the standard classes since they spawn with weapons. Their weapons aren't OP, just they "can" spawn with more weapons than a VIP member or regular user. There is no real way to balance that as far as I am concerned.


    Also, this is more "who can build the best base" rather than real RP. Is real RP there? I would like to believe there is a small layer of it. People legit pay other players money to raid them to test their base designs.

  5. You COULD still use some of the scripts you made for Evocity like the weed growing NPC and even the crafting system. The only change is weed grows in a pot and crafting is done with mining metal from rocks (I've seen servers with mining in Downtown, so make it a chance to get metal or gems).


    Nah, DarkRP kids like it simple. They would probably leave if I added something so complex where they had to watch something grow for 5 minutes. I am kinda done "innovating" or making stuff for the server. If there is some workshop addon that looks cool I may add it in or if there is something that I do think is really silly to make, I may make it. But I will just go back to editing custom classes and helping other servers or something.

    Like they all say, if it's not broken, don't fix it. And after that evocity update, I lost all faith in trying something new. But, what can you do about it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Yea, those are scriptfodder addons. I once helped another server out with optimization and this was one of the addons that was bogging their server down. I would give it a shot but I don't have any money to buy those lmao.



  7. March 3rd Changelog


    • Fixed VCMod Nevermind, it's not on my end. It's the "live code update" that is freaking it up
    • Fixed some unregistered PD jobs being able to rob the bank
    • Fixed food items for restaurant owner + added back that job
    • Added the entity I was making but then kinda stopped, The Processor. It's like a money printer but prints shipments. Really barebones right now since I was messing with 3D2D screens
    • Cleaned up a bunch of old workshop content
    • I don't even know why I am doing this but added CSGO Knifes to unboxing, all like....109 different variants
    • Added back master sword velocity thing

  8. NO, please add back the CP system, it was honestly just so fun and gave CPs a lot more power and the ability to ACTUALLY affect players. I honestly think it added in a lot of RP.


    Maybe later. I thought about it and having players being able to fine other players will lead to them leaving the server immediately. If it's added back, jail time will have to be significantly reduced.

  9. March 2nd Changelog


    De-update-update. Don't even have to say anything.


    • Map changed to Downtown
    • Removed all of my systems
    • Removed all NPC's besides the NPC that sells VIP
    • Reverted rules page
    • Added back DB from the day before the update
    • Reverted all VIP Jobs / Job defaults
    • Removed all cars that were added this update
    • Reset all car dealer info (BUT SUGAR I BOUGHT X CAR'S!) Yea, money is back to w/e it was
    • Removed XP System
    • Removed Job NPCS
    • Added F4 menu
    • Added w/e else that was from the last day before this mess
    • Cars don't kill people
    • You don't drop money
    • Pocket Removed
    • All XP functions stripped from existing addons
    • Removed CP system since I can't really see it working in downtown
    • Lowered CC prices for workshop content back down to $15 since it's clear that models don't have a significant impact on anything besides load times.
    • Added back that hideous HUD
    • Removed all FastDL files
    • Force leap makes you jump

    This will probably go out in a few hours. Just need to clean up some workshop packs.

  10. March 1st Changelog


    Short log due that I couldn't work on the server at all today.


    • Updated VCMod to its new and "improved" version (is actually really cool, you guys will enjoy it)
    • Fixed entity box model size
    • Fixed the long and overdue stealth camo bug
    • More clientside optimization
    • Fixed "error" worldmodel for police sweps

  11. Sugar you should still add the joker considering there's batman and he needs a enemy to make the job more appealing and have a better rp aspect to it. Maybe the Joker can be part of the Terrorist faction and do something similar to the terrorist job. Maybe the joker can advert terrorism on the town every 20 minutes but only be allowed to use a knife or rpg, lol.


    Maybe at some point. Batman is not even supposed to be in the game lmao


    Some of my suggestions to the server:

    • Map and/or Compass
    • Bring back the rule /advert Carjack *Just because it's getting really annoying with people just stealing cars*
    • Bring back Perks (Maybe)
    • REMOVE PRINTERS/BIT MINERS (I know you are not going to remove this because of population demands)


    Map is "in the works". I just have to actually work on it. Since this map has a viewdistance you CANNOT remove, I cannot just take a picture of the map. It would have to be taken in 100 photos


    I mean, adverting car jack doesn't entirely help. Sure, you may know who took it but those 10 seconds it takes to take a car, I doubt it would matter. Plus the hunt for your car is always fun


    Meh, their purpose was silly and was really only meant to "balance" the ecnomy in a sense.


    They weren't added because of people's demands. I added them because there is NO other reason to base. Why make and buy a house when you have nothing to store. That way, people always have the option to build a house and that opens the option to raid it. The beauty of gmod is that there are so many options for everything. But I see your point since it does make players just sit in their base.


    make a system for beer production and vodka production like true slav way.


    Also more Classic Cars. Sure the F100 and '40 Deluxe Coupe are cool, but we need more classical cars not from Ford.


    I want my oil money to go towards a noice vintage ride.


    Sounds pretty cool for a bartender or something. Yet, I can't really imagine something like that happening unless I am super bored / the server is in a super stable and fun state. 


    More cars is out of the question. Cars alone take approx 800MB of the server's size (which is half, since the size is anywhere from 1.4GB - 1.6GB). Can't exactly compress them either since the models are the meat of the size.

  12. Since the economy is smaller then what it used to be, can you change the in game price of custom weapons, models, and other weapons. Currently for custom weapons and models it's 45mil which will take ages to get and its also harder to get money, so if you can make new prices for everything it would be greatly, also for the black currency, because I want to get started saving up and knowing how much I need. Thanks


    I said I was going to do this 1000 times so far. I just have to have some time and take some other priorities first. Also, the economy is far from being balanced due to the fact people made 1 mil - 1.5 mil in one day due to making 500 opium when there was no limit. Or people made a ton of money from printers and miners since they were not taking the money from the initial price of them, allowing them to spawn in 2 printers and 3 miners immediately. Also the fact that you could leave and rejoin to spawn more printers and miners kinda fucked it up.


    This week, I may have some time to look into that but it's not the biggest priority right now.


    Improve mining or take it

    Out completely. As of now mining is not worth the time it takes and you don't get enough xp or

    Money when you could be fishing and get a lot more. I have tried mining

    And disliked it

    From the beginning so, I think it should be improved upon or taken out or maybe more locations.


    You're not supposed to sell the ores. You're supposed to craft with them to make things, to later sell those items. You have the option to sell anything in the game because why not. You can process the metal into refined metal and then sell it if you wish. It does give you more money. But most people make weapons / entities with the metal.


    I know it's a little slow but maybe I will make different tiers of pickaxes and fishing rods increasing your chance to get ores / fish by 5% then 10%

  13. February 29th Changelog


    • Fixed up and cleaned up the remaining terrorist guns
    • Fixed money not being subtracting from the entity box..
    • Began work on a new illegal entity, "The Processor"
    • Fixed police inspector swep not displaying correct information for the firearm license
    • Lowered Bitminer output by 33% but decreased price by 10%
    • Lowered Printer output by 15% but decreased price by 5%
    • Lowered oil output by 5%
    • Increased oil time by 6 seconds per tick
    • Increase seed tick by 1 second
    • Mounted HUD Materials for FastDL
    • Turned off Cake's anticheat timeout
    • Fixed printer and miner exploit

    Also, depending when VCMod 2 releases, I really want to try a 22 tick server since 16 feels very sluggish, yet it keeps the CPU super low. This means gunplay will have better hit registration and everything should feel relatively smoother in a sense. But it may make us go back to a 16 tick later (if) the player count goes back up.  Also, this changelog is a little less filled with content and fixes due to me having no time. Monday's I am unavailable, yet I will resume normal and daily changelogs on Tuesday. Make sure to post bugs and exploits! It's by far the fastest way to get them fixed. Please do not assume I know something is broken. If I knew, it would be listed in the changelog.


    I was also thinking of ways to make basing more valuable and more ways to gain XP. I may add a XP printer and this new illegal entity is super cool. I won't share what it does but I know you guys will love it. I also have ideas for making an event system so it spices up gameplay evey 30 - 45 minutes. These events will be automatic and offer rewards to either the whole cop faction, civilian faction or just an individual player. I can also integrate the new clan system when it's finally done to allow clan vs clan to fight for these rewards.

  14. Make impounding cars grant more XP. We honestly find random cars so rarely that there is no point in giving a paltry 55 XP. I think 100 or 150 would be sufficient.


    The thing is, impounding can be abused hard. Since you just spawn the car, impound it, spawn it, impound it, ect..

  15. February 28th Changelog


    • Fixed not dropping money on death. That was my bad
    • Fixed the repair tool not repairing wheels
    • Updated Wiki for once (NO LIE)
    • Cleanup of workshop packs for a faster join
    • Fixing of terrorist weapons / change
    • Added tow truck
    • Fixed CP menu for switching menus
    • If you're wanted, you are not safe in the safe zone
    • Fixed bank one last time
    • Added a license checker for CP along with some easy access tools
    • Huge clientside optimization
    • Being in cuffs now locks the player
    • Fixed player crashing on join
    • Fishing entities get deleted after 3 minutes
    • Mounted map textures to FastDL
    • You can now see your Black Currency Coins through F1
    • Fixed oil going too far into the ground, my bad
    • Fixed so fining makes you go to jail while cuffed, my bad
    • Fixed some missing pistols from the firearm vendor
    • Nerfed default CSS guns
    • Fixed VCMod seats?
    • Added an Entity Seller
    • Added lockpicks to be craftable
    • Removed being able to take other people's printers due to a forseen exploit. I will fix this later
    • Lowered wanted time to 4 minutes
    • Added bitminers


  16. I know I don't play much anymore.. But a option on printers to claim them as your own, for example this could be helpful for if you get done raiding someone and steal there printers, they cant D/C to claim them back..another cool thing that you could do is sell them before you logg off or what ever.


    Neat idea, will do

  17. February 27th Changelog


    • Being a terrorist faction announces to the server a terrorist is lurking
    • Dying by a cop while being a terrorist faction revokes terrorist license
    • Being arrested by a cop while being a terrorist faction revokes terrorist license
    • Changed all terrorist weapons to a lighter base Next update
    • Cleanup of workshop packs Next update
    • Fixed tow truck Next update again
    • Sound plays globally for robbing the bank Next update
    • Modified terrorist license price + terrorist weapons
    • Fixed simpleweather error
    • Fixed browning error
    • Fixed impound swep for mechanics
    • Fixed Traffic Cops not getting police car, last time
    • Fixed config error for gas station sugarconfig not sugar_config
    • Fixed entities activating when spawning
    • Fixed players getting fined for an insane amount of time
    • Fixed players not getting their wanted status taken away if arrested
    • Fixed players sometimes not getting the popup for being fined
    • Fixed players being fined while being fined
    • Fixed PD Bank registering a NWBool as 0 and 1 instead of true and false derp
    • Fixed not being able to inventory processed entities
    • Fixed the oil harvester not being able to come out of its box
    • Fixed dropping negative money on death + reset anyone's money that was negative
    • Fixed all entities not hooking onto cars
    • Fixed ATM being a decimal value
    • Fixed opium not being divided by 3
    • Fixed License NPC's not having a safety check
    • Fixed getting XP from repairing
    • Fixed not being able to Ziptie players when running
    • Fixed Weed and Opium shipments not called
    • Added safety checks for all parcels being removed
    • Added more safety checks for fining
    • Added safety check for ore spawning
    • Added safety check for isCP for manslaughter
    • Added a minimal hud
    • Added cops to unwant players
    • Added safety check for oilharvest darkrp var
    • Added a 10 minute timer for oil harvesters
    • Force leap reduced
    • You can now claim other people's printers
    • Cops get XP for a paid fine
    • Cops get XP for arresting someone for not paying a fine
    • Removed grey-scale effect for health
    • Increased delay and reduced damage for shotguns
    • Maybe I can actually get around to updating the wiki for once
    • Maybe I can actually update all of the donation information for once
    • Lowered printer materials by 30%
    • Added a faster way to join the server
    • Blocked Oil Boxes from being picked up

    And that fixed 95% of all of my errors. Also, I don't know who reads changelogs but apparently VCMod 2 is coming out monday. Here is part of the message we all got


    Kinda a godsend if this is legit since VCMod bogs the fuck out the server. Pray, pray, pray

  18. Since the map is bigger and since more people's play as cops, I think you should add job which is similar to the old batman vip job, and one with the Joker. I think it could inhance the rp and the Joker could be able to raid, mug, bank raid, and everything the crime faction can do but is allowed to kos batman or something. I just think if we introduce super heroes and villans, then maybe people can team up more and have a head quarters or something similar. I also think that this can bring gangs and stuff to the game, kinda like cops vs robbers with the Joker V Batman. Batman can be with cops too. 


    P.S Everyone likes superheroes

    I think having a raider and a thief pointless, they both do the same thing, like I said I think batman could be like a cop but not the same, maybe if he sees a crime then he can beat the guy up but not using guns, and Joker can be like all the other criminals but maybe he gets to RDM a cop every 10 minutes. Why? Because he's a Psyco path. So not exactly the same, they should be different and I think it would inhance the rp.


    Well of course it's relatively pointless. The whole point is to have different loadouts. The thief and the raider are under the crime faction.


    To tell you the truth, there was supposed to be a Vigilante Faction except I didn't have the best rule set thought out. Thinking about it though popped some ideas into my head so I will see what I can do. "Superheros" probably won't make it. But Batman isn't really a "superhero" just a rich bitch



  19. February 26th Changelog


    • Fixed Simpleweather so it actually turns to night
    • Fixed being able to spawn props in the growing area Made a rule instead
    • Added limit for seeds based on playercount
    • Fixed fine exploit again
    • Fixed PD Bank again
    • Added notifications if a player accepted or declined a fine
    • Fixed CP Menu for "Revoke Driver License"
    • Fixed scaling for crafting GUI on a smaller resolution
    • Re-uploaded cop playermodels
    • Slowed player movement in cuffs more
    • Fixed sound not playing from PD Bank Next update
    • Fixed VCMod seats
    • Replaced Vehicle Reapair shipment on general vendor for actual repair shipment along with tire repairs
    • Added a tow truck Next update
    • More server optimization and client
    • Lowered recoil for insurgency sweps
    • Modified Terrorist License Prices + Terrorist Weapons Next update
    • Fixed lower cops not being able to pick the cop car
    • Fixed material plants not registering
    • Cops spawn with vehicle repairs
    • Lowered chance for printers breaking
    • Crafting now grants XP based off materials used
    • If a player accepts a fine, it will be distributed to all police officers in a fraction
    • Wanted time is now 10 minutes
    • Traffic Cops spawn with impound swep
    • Impounding gives XP for both cops and mechanics
    • Successfully raiding the PD gives you XP
    • Fixed parcel collisions, I swear last time
    • Fixed pocketing the perma crafting station
    • Fixed impound swep
    • Fixed weed. refined_weed not redined_weeed derp
    • Added another mining node

  20. February 25th Changelog

    • Added Day and Night Cycle
    • Joining the server takes SECONDS now due to an addon that will let you play, download later
    • Ammo NPC inside the police station for both PD and Civs with a firearm license
    • Mounted FAdmin and Car Dealer Textures
    • Vehicles do 30% of the damage they normally do to players
    • Safe Zone added in Gas Station where you spawn
    • Added back player money on a ratio scale from before this update
    • Uranium has been renamed to Petroleum, my bad
    • Updated Wiki with full instructions and pictures on how to do the basics
    • Oil now stacks
    • Optimized entities resulting to be order 1 instead of order n
    • Added an entity seller which sells printers and other things Any job (besides PD) can craft printers
    • You can now rob gas station NPC's if you have a weapon out
    • Meth worth has been reduced based upon the ecnomy
    • Optimized networking variables that can be a bit instead of a double
    • Cops spawn with ammo
    • Weapon swap lowered to 1 second
    • Removed CalcView and ShouldDrawLocalPlayer hook on fishing rod, looks kinda nice in first person + give the option for regular third person
    • Updated Cake
    • Removal of a bunch of hooks causes a slight bog down
    • You can now pop tires on vehicles
    • Fixed fine exploit + modified jail time
    • Limit on how many plants an user can plant at one time
    • Parcels will despawn in 5 minutes
    • Seeds now have a delayed touch time to prevent some lag
    • Fixed unprocessed plants sometimes going through the floor
    • Perma crafting bench does not blow up
    • Fixed Parcels not setting variables on players

    NPCs are also easier to find, I found a way to fetch their name




    Hopefully I can get to all of this and have it done but hopefully this will be a good update

  21. February 21st Changelog


    It wil only get better.



    • Money / ATM Reset
    • Fixed Parcels
    • Fixed Oil being pocketed
    • Fixed Debug mode for planting
    • Removed Brick
    • Enabled Kill feed
    • PD now needs x amount of cops to rob
    • PD Bank takes away .05% instead of 5% oops
    • Traffic Cop has cuffs and is now registered to be a cop
    • Fixed buying ammo with buy commands
    • Fixed weed not being harvestable
    • Fixed non included files in insurgency sweps
    • Fixed scopes on btw weapons
    • Fixed some NPC errors
    • Fixed entity ownership for everything
    • Fixed material plants falling through the ground
    • If you don't pay a fine within 2 minutes you go to jail
    • Fixed weed model
    • Fixed Cop Impounding Swep
    • Server lockout for 20 minutes to swap data providers for inventory

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