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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Presiii

  1. hecko everyone, this is NOT a guide on how to make meth. Go see Swifty's guide here:





    I will be giving brief tips on what to do, what not to do, and how to better your experience (and wallet).


    1. BE EXACT: Exactness in making meth will give you the best results. For example, I put more Cyfluthrin in than I need, the whole batch may be dead. Or, you could get lucky and have a better batch than intended. But beware, blatantly putting in the wrong ingredients because "YOLO" will hurt your profits.


    2. DRAIN FIRST: This tip I learned from Le Toucan. In the chemical tank there is the pressure gauge, and after putting in Aluminum and Cyfluthrin, you MUST lower the pressure, or else adding Methlymine will blow up the whole thing.


    3. INTERMEDIATE ACID IS PRECIOUS: Intermediate Acid is the most important part of the Amphetamine process. It takes a while to make and only yields around 10L if done right. DO. NOT. WASTE. IT. Make sure it's above the chemical tank and won't fall on the ground when dumping.


    4. BE ORGANIZED: Having a clean station will allow you to find what you need, when you need it. Throwing around your items needlessly may cause you to lose items. Get a prop with shelves and place boxes on there for a quick organization.


    5. CHECK THE RECIPE: The meth recipe changes every time the server restarts and if you wrote down the previous one, than your batch will be wrong and it will hurt you. For example, the recipe I had recently was 17750g of Aluminum, 21L of Cyfluthrin, 18L of Methlymine, and 9L of Intermediate Acid. It could change very little, or by a lot every day/restart.


    6. MAKE FRIENDS: Friends make a HUGE difference in how you cook. They can help you by making Acids, doing the chemical tank stuff, or guarding your base. This can speed up the cooking process and prevent any destruction during raids. BUT, offer a good cut, or they may turn on you. If you ever need help with guarding or cooking, just PM me in game and I can help you.


    7. HAVE A LARGE SPACE: A large space is key, due to the size and amounts of items you'll need. A small room in a house or a lot of places in the sewer will not do. Good places to cook are in warehouses, the suburbs, or a couple spots in the sewer/train station.


    8. DON'T BE DISCOURAGED BY A BAD BATCH: A bad batch can happen to anyone. If you screwed up on an ingredient or got raided and they messed with your pots and chemicals, just keep trying. Get a friend or two and cook together, so that there's some money left if you make a bad batch.


    9. GET IN GOOD WITH ANYONE BASING NEARBY: If people catch wind of your lab, ask people close by for help with defense. They may be happy to help you. Or, they will raid you later. Be careful who you trust, they could be helpful or hurtful.



    This new meth system will take time to get used to, but just keep cooking and follow these tips. If you still need help knowing how to actually cook, check the link up top for Swifty's guide video tutorial.

  2. I love this server. I love everything about it, and I would like to suggest a small change to the Boombox. One of my favorite activities is playing request for people in pursuit of fun, money, or both. However, my complaint is that the cost of the Boombox is...expensive. So, I would like to suggest lowering the price from the hefty $6K to a manageable $3K, $4.5K, or lower. Another idea would be to have certain classes like, for example, the Radio Broadcaster, or even the Restaurant Owner so he/she can put a nice atmosphere to their dining area without breaking the bank (or robbing it).





    Lowering this cost will allow those with less money than some of us to have a good time with their favorite songs (and possibly cover up the sounds of a meth lab, too). Plus, it could provide a good RP purpose (like in my class examples above).


    Please take this into consideration and, if it can't work, I understand.

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