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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. Voluntary withdrawal from community.

    All actions taken by all TitsRP staff and community members beyond the point of my resignation had no official form of association with me, my actions, my decisions, my advice, or my opinions & knowledge. All actions from that point and from this point forward have no relation to me whatsoever. 

  2. It is an intended update (from years ago) and a semi-unique feature to this server. It was suggested because they thought it'd be funny, and sugar agreed. If someone calls it exploiting tell them to suck a lemon. It's literally one of the quests sugar manually coded in
  3. If you care about what Discord thinks, why don't you report the messages so the offending accounts can be taken care of so our Discord isn't put in danger? https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000029731 Do remember you would want the channel and message IDs so you want to grab someone who can see the server, channels, and messages to grab that information for you. As for your question, you were already given an answer so I'm not sure what you want to be said but you can find our community guidelines at these links. https://forums.titsrp.com/server-rules https://forums.titsrp.com/topic/1570-forum-rules-guidelines/
  4. I was giving you the outcome you desired so you could pretend to feel morally superior after making a public spectacle and think that I care.
  5. actually i have a message to leak, my identity must be kept anonymous or my rank could be compromised
  6. Abstergo is correct on all counts except firing not working. Does not work during a revolt, if the player is the mayor’s assassin (obv, but they’ll still show up to make it harder to figure out the assassin), or if they are kidnapped/unable to change their jobs for other reasons. It *does* work every other time from what I’ve seen, but cannot bypass if you aren’t able to change your job yourself. We also usually don’t care if gun stands are like right outside of spawn in the big tunnels unless they become an issue then I’d call a sit. That’s where I put mine but I just remove it or move it to fountain if a couple of people are piling theirs in the same spot. What irks me is people doing their best to fuck with RP but that’s what I get for playing titsrp I’d go bored to fucking death in a serious rp server
  7. Jan 22, 2021 Do not demote people from jobs for breaking server rules, it is intended for RP demotes only (unless there are no staff online). Ex: Demoting a cop for not arresting someone without a firearm license -> If someone failed to perform their job functions correctly (Ex: A cop let their friend have a gun without a license) you can /demote them. If they broke a rule against you (Ex: RDM) you could demote them but we highly suggest calling a sit. Contact someone before calling a /demote on them for breaking a rule against you. If you are unsure, ask for staff assistance. Additional Info: This would give players the choice between RPing their failed interaction out or escalating it to a staff issue. Encouraging players to work their own problems out may help resolve both confusion about what exactly constitutes "RP" in our rule (since you can say a cop RDMing is police brutality and that's a valid demote) and assists our staff with the possibility of less sits being called. The difference between a situation involving 2 users and a situation where staff get involved is the users choosing to escalate it or not.
  8. -1 removing +1 re-balancing Give it back to terrorist
  9. "Having friends is an exploit apparently" If I see someone raiding my base, I'm going to shoot them. I don't want to be warned for that. -1 You can only be on one base/front door at a time so it's not like they're basing somewhere else, some of that money is probably going towards them. "It wouldnt surprise me if people started making hobo bases on the other side of the main base and shoot anyone who is outside. " Whoever was the hobo wouldn't be able to defend the base in any way and any people in there would be liable to you shooting or bombing them as part of the raid since they'd be an obvious threat if they're on the doors, and they probably shouldn't be defending a base from inside of another base anyways. +1 for adding that to the rules
  10. Idk man getting rid of tokens sorta encourages raiding but that doesn’t do any good if people still don’t base, we can’t solve those problems out of order otherwise it just gets worse. They also only last 4h right now so it’s no more powerful than raiding -1 either way, tokens are a somewhat unique concept and I’d like to see them balanced rather than removed
  11. Yes. Please read our punishment guidelines section on failRP for more information. Generally, we no longer give out CP bans and warnings for this unless it becomes a major issue with someone or other rules (RDA, RDM, NLR, etc) are broken in the process, in which case the failRP may be a contributing factor to how staff resolve the situation.
  12. Per our punishment guidelines: Not role-playing properly or as chosen job (FailRP) FailRP is a very general term, this includes things like cops not arresting criminals and letting them go. This should not be punishable by staff and the players have all of the power to decide who is and isn't on the job. A verbal warning in rare circumstances can be given out to players who do not want to role-play. https://forums.titsrp.com/topic/1770-official-proper-punishment-times-and-reasons/ If you disagree with staff following the guidelines, create a suggestion thread to suggest they be changed. If you have an issue with an individual or specific number of staff please create a report. As per our guidelines, it is an RP issue that should first be attempted to be resolved with /demote or complaining to the mayor to try to get them off the job. Staff can intervene if it becomes an issue/they won’t stop doing it to you or they violate other rules such as RDA or RDM. You were told this. Please stop trying to start and maintain an argument.
  13. AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. Fuel


      I love arbies.

  14. Pretty much this. Watch the kiddos swarm to -1 rep your reply without suggesting a better alternative for actually balancing the economy out. Any legitimate ideas or just endless complaining, people? Jack's idea is decent and seems fair from a personal viewpoint but is somewhat flawed when looking at our overall objective of economy balance. Yes proc tokens not degrading would leave new players alone, but only because they can't afford to buy massive amounts of them. It only seeks to benefit those who already have lots of money which is literally the opposite of what we kinda want. If they give you less value, try buying them for less. If nobody wants to buy them for 1m, they won't sell for 1m anymore. It's a fair solution to be sure but idk. Maybe if they degraded at half rate so you got 8 hours with them to reward newbies who get ahold of them while keeping older players from trading the proc around all day and milking a couple million into the pockets of the richest players but still giving them 8 hours of staring at it.
  15. +1 my base mates and I regularly use HL2 and CSS props and the RP props addon for building RP bases and more options would be helpful! Lots of our builds try to include lots of detail and clutter to make good scenes for people to enjoy (see below) and this addon along with others may promote RP on the server. Ever since I started building for funsies every day increasing amounts of people have joined us and enjoy it greatly. We and others RP restaurants and this addon would be very helpful. Some more links of interest: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=436256590 - 600kb, laboratory props https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=135253293 - 18mb, more props but some (like guns) can be removed https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104477476 - 19mb, even more props
  16. ok ok we all had jabs at each other let's keep it on topic about taxes if we wanna argue take it to DMs or something
  17. What's most disappointing is seeing staff and ex-staff go wild over a suggestion. Like I argued with someone who started an argument and that was dumb af for me to do, never mind ragging on a kid for making a suggestion. Calm down dudes. Looks like one already got edited lol
  18. Make it like real life, tax income from printers, general buyer, and other means of acquiring money based on how much is moving around instead of taxing off what's already in your wallet that you could've earned years ago. Illegal shit gets taxed too because even criminals fear the IRS, they don't care if it's drug money just PAY THE TAX. Don't tax AH since we already have a listing fee, we can say that pays for it. Put all this into a pot the mayor can choose to take and distribute to CP like normal or gets given back as a tax refund if mayor doesn't do anything or mayor elects to give it back (say as a reward for no revolt or something). If no mayor, no taxes get taken from income. Or maybe the mayor can start collecting taxes and all income for the next 5 minutes is taxed which can give players a chance to just not take from their printers. This way the money in your wallet is safe and players can accumulate wealth while still contributing to taxes like IRL. Just a random idea! Taxes might not work the best right now but I don't think making it 10x worse is a good solution.
  19. They aren't ready for this discussion. We are. Assemble for purge planning. Snacks provided.
  20. I shit talk everyone. Myself included. You bitch about the players, you bitch about the tmods, you bitch about the mods, you bitch about the smods, you bitch about the admins, you bitch about the super admins. If you hate half the staff team that much and we ban your friends for no reason and nothing we say can convince you otherwise, why don't you....go play with your friends on a better server? Like seriously. If being here stresses you out that much go play somewhere else lol it's a fucking gmod darkrp server that we staff for fun and to hang with friends, if you aren't having fun and your friends are gonezo for "mysterious" reasons try playing something else dude Like you can sit there and bring up shit all you want but based on the amount of trolling and shitposting I'd wager that nobody really cares man you're expending this effort either pretending to be or actually being mad and I can tell you from being in VC with these folks they're just laughing and moving on a few seconds after replying discussion DENIED (again)
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