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The Fast Turtle


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by The Fast Turtle

  1. Lets start off with, my name isDavid(You may tell by my steam profile though). I have been playing this server for 5-6 months now (according to when I joined the forums). I became moderator in July of 2015 and I have loved the server to DEATH. Of course I brought some friends (Panda, DeathBear, Coco, FurryGorrilla). But I live in Queens, NY and started playing videogames when I was 6-7 and played GTA: San Andreas (best game ever) on PS2, then I played COD and started playing Minecraft on the PC, and now I am here. After that I made a youtube account and uploaded and got partnered with Machinima, then stopped uploading. Whoever did read this I solute you. P.S. Don't ask why I am posting this at 11:30PM on a Monday night.
  2. I am probably under the "low-tier" category: -i7-3630K @ 2.4 GHz, GeForce GT 650M, 8GB Ram, Windows 10 -When first joining when server is full I get maybe 50fps (Lucky to get 60 fps), when playing for 30 mins to a hour I get 10fps-20fps. -I don't know what could be causing my lag (except for my computer of course)
  3. I remember Cyclone posting something about NPC's that give you tasks to do and you get in-game money or gun shipments depending on the task, that would be cool.
  4. I got punched to death by Tyrone....:(
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