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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by liliansmurg

  1. 36 minutes ago, 红蛙邪恶 said:

    I am giving away one free $30 cc item of your choosing reply below to join free giveaway 😇


    giveaway ends saturday evening 







    must have a forums account older than one month (30 days)

    if i win i want you to donate the 30$ to israel



    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Rubik said:

    General forum was disabled temporarily while I work on updating the community rules & guidelines for staff. I plan on adding them back soon once I get everything cleaned up. 

    Thank you Rubik. I have read through the updated terms of service and now understand how to use the forums! I will now be sure to use them to the best of my ability and make positive contributions to the community!


    Kind regards,


    David L. Krumpins



    • Like 1
  3. Category:





    cant see half the forums for some reason

    How to reproduce:

    go to the tits rp forums

    wheres the discussions and stuff gone it seems like half the forums have disappeared

    • Like 1
  4. On 4/15/2024 at 12:47 AM, Insurance Agent said:

    Give the terrorist incentive to last like 15-20 mins on death drops train nade then you get your suicide bomber fix and terrorist has a new goal

    this guys been taking his flintstone gummies

    • Sad Clown 1
  5. 3 hours ago, kashpaint said:

    @liliansmurg @wolf2297why are yall tryna spark a reaction off of me, an arab teenager, by tagging me in a suggestion abt suicide bombers? also @{GN} Isaacputting a upside down reaction on me replying to an attempt of drama mongering seems very “unprofessional” as an admin 

    Woah woah woah tiger. Why are you bringing race into this?? I just wanted to know what my friend kashpaint thought about this suggestions because we were talking about the demolitionist job the other day. Personally I don't think in terms of race. I'm more of an anti-semite.

  6. 20 hours ago, Terrry said:

    i dont like you -1

    The green tree frog is a plump, rather large tree frog, and can grow up to 11.5 cm (4.5 in) in length, with fully grown females being slightly larger than males. A distinctive fatty ridge is seen over the eye, and the parotoid gland is moderately large. The iris is golden and has a horizontally slit pupil, and the tympanum (a skin membrane similar to an eardrum) is visible just behind the eye. The limbs are short and robust, and large adhesive discs are at the end of the digits which provide grip while climbing. The fingers are about one-third webbed, and the toes nearly three-quarters webbed. The dorsal colour depends on the temperature and nature of the environment, ranging from brownish- or greyish-green to bright emerald green. The frog occasionally has small, irregularly shaped white spots on its back. Males have a greyish, wrinkled vocal sac under the throat, while the throat of females is white. The ventral surface in both sexes is creamy-white and rough in texture.

    • Like 1
  7. it feels like the guns on the server are in a really boring spot - most people have again just defaulted to using 1 or 2 weapons and ignoring everything else because there isnt alot of point. i mean look at a game like battlefield 4 where theres a few hundred guns and they all feel very distinct from eachother - most automatic weapons atm feel almost the exact same to use.


    what i think needs to happen:

    • make weapons more distinct from eachother, that means bigger discrepencies in firerate, handling, and damage for weapons in the same class
    • sniper rifles especially are in a weird spot. headshots are an unreliable thing since about half the models on the server dont have a head hitbox, and hitreg is bad as it is. the way snipers unscope after shooting also means that auto/semi auto sniper rifles are always going to be borderline unusable (the ones with the default scope at least)
    • the best weapons in each class outshine all the rest too much- why the would anyone use a shotgun that isnt the YG or bulldog? whats the point of using another automatic gun when the p90 does the same thing but with 50 bullets and usable ironsights?


    i understand people are gonna no life and find the most overpowered gun and stick to it but it would be nice if there was a bit more variety, maybe some smgs that actually shoot fast enough to compete with the auto shotguns up close. maybe auto snipers that actually allow follow up shots, maybe some guns should have some actual recoil without being over the top retarded and impossible to use like the m14 is now.


    it just seems like the way guns have been balanced is either not at all or just driven into the ground because they were too good for too long.. i just think it would be cool to have some guns with a bit of character to them


    anyway just some thoughts for discussion

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