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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by gaber

  1. May I just kindly point out this one round of Cards Against Humanity? I think it's worth a post. I've had some damn good times on this server, I'll admit. Originally joined to Mass RDM with a brick, ended up being a (shitty/okay) trial mod, made some good friends like Fedora, Church, Panda, daddy, Bzerk, Wanted, Shard, and other dumb retards, jokingly threatened Sugar in a PM, then left. Also, I'd like to shout out Glaze for asking how my "shit server" is in OOC every time I join TitsRP. You are such an immature child it disgusts me. Thanks everybody.
  2. Although I do personally LOVE gm_fork, it's just never going to happen. I'm not going to bother explaining why.
  3. I'm going to be honest. I am probably in no place to talk about staff (considering I was demoted for abusing, and yes, I did it on purpose for undisclosed reasons, which I regret - I will explain why), I'm still probably going to do it anyways. And I am almost certain that someone is going to reply "u got d3moted fgt, u succ at evrythng, u cnt evn tlk". Now, I am in full understanding that good staff is hard to find, which Sugar states in his reply. This is common sense, as the Garry's Mod community is pretty shit. If I read correctly (which I probably didn't, one lesson of me for you guys to learn is to never take me too seriously), Sugar talked about how staff members only take sits that are more significant. This is true, as they are taught (if taught at all at this point) to not take sits for single rdm's, rda's, or other things like that. What MY PROBLEM is, is that staff are not even taking sits for the significant issues, such as mass rdms. Yesterday, there were THREE mass rdmers on at one single time, roaming the streets and mowing everyone down. I had made quite a few sit requests at the time, and I am sure others had too. But nothing was being done for at least a good two minutes. If I remember correctly, the staff that were online were Tyrant and Pixel, and I understand that there could have been a delay due to them taking other sits, but it just seemed like at that point the staff don't even care. If it was me, I would have stopped what I was doing and spectated the person, then ban them instantly if they were actually mass rdming (or jail, which ever one is preferred). But players had to 2+ mins to even have the guy jailed, which I personally find to be ridiculous. I almost considered buying trial mod again, as I joined the server and felt that it needed help (which is again, why I slightly regret abusing, and also because of the recent ban of three retarded staff members that basically were the reason I had originally left in the first place). In conclusion, I think you (or we, if I am even considered still part of the community) need not new moderators, which are hard to find indeed, but someone to watch over the moderators and make sure they are doing their stuff correctly. Or maybe we don’t need anyone new, who knows. I just really wanted to make a contribution to the thread, considering that it might help just a little bit, especially because someone is going to ask Shard for some evidence on shitty staff (if it hasn’t been asked already). Thanks for listening to my shitty input :P
  4. ik those were just shitpost replies, changing the map is a bad idea LMAO
  5. Sugar has stated that there will never be a map change,as it would cause a mass loss of players AND player intrest. Although i am working on a plan for a suggestion that is going to take some time. y
  6. gaber


    "i quit bitches" like anyone actually cares
  7. gaber

    hi guys

    it was a fucking joke oh my gosh can you even understand sarcasm like i work so hard to make a great post and this is how im treating im honestly so fucking offended right now like how can you even fucking do this shit you fucking horrible person do you even realize what you have just fucking done to me i hate you so much you fucking make me furious go kill yourself you racist oppressive piece of cancer like its not even that worth it to fucking speak to me like that you piece of shit you have so many fucking issues its not even funny youre so fucking offensive and triggering it makes me want to tear your eyeballs out you dumb asshole retard kill yourself
  8. gaber

    hi guys

    i would just like to point out that for some reason i still exist even though 70% of the staff team doesnt even know who i am. i honestly dont know why im not permabanned from the server yet i mean im not that toxic right -love coltz, the abusive trial mod (and like the only tmod who actually didnt pay)
  9. As of tomorrow, I will be traveling to Florida for a good two or three weeks depending on what my dad needs to get done. This means that I will not have my PC with me and will most likely not be active on the server as a trial-mod for the next few weeks. My best bet is trying to install gmod on my Macbook Air (which will kill the hard drive with all the addons btw) and trying to do the least bit of moderation on the server, but for not don't expect me to be as active as I currently am now for the next two weeks. Even if I do manage to be able to play on my laptop, I may not have much time because I'm going to be working. rip :dodgy: p.s. pls no demote considering i might be the only active non-paid trial ty ly <3
  10. This same exact problem happens to me. Sugar pls f1x
  11. tbh no one cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ luv coltz
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