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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by cobaselic

  1. I finally paid off all my CC editor debt. Months later when I re-added my models, everyone that had already been paid off were automatically given the model back by the server. So, they basically received the model for free. That should get fixed tbh,
  2. just make weapons licenses cover any equippable item. That way cop's can't go "well you have a weapons license but a keypad cracker isn't a weapon so you're being arrested"
  3. if the entire server just went cp, all the minge cops would be powerless
  4. just make an npc to give licenses. put it outside the PD like the mayor election npc.
  5. Shoutbox was removed to force people to join the discord and have their accounts banned for being under 13. RIP to the ones that have fallen
  6. that ain't gonna happen man, just stay out of trouble
  7. 3/20/2023 Changed "Terrorists can ONLY commit terror attacks OUTSIDE on or above solid ground (Including rooftops)" to "Terrorists can ONLY commit terror attacks OUTSIDE on or above solid ground.". Changed "Terrorists can NOT commit terror attacks in buildings, underground, in the ocean or on the islands in the ocean" to "Terrorists can NOT commit terror attacks in buildings, underground, on rooftops, in the ocean or on the islands in the ocean.". ADDED "Terrorists CANNOT use vehicles"
  8. cobaselic

    Block button

    Player A hides themselves from Player B. Player B then tries to raid Player A's base at some point and is mowed down by an invisible player.
  9. So the issue is the cuffs and having keys to the PD, not the RDM? It's very annoying to be cuffed by some random for no reason, I agree. But that's what we have sits for. We can very easily unarrest you and cpban whoever is RDA'ing. As for the "they can kill the mayor because they have keys!" side, idk make dupes? Make laws that prevent that? Most mayors make a "all cops must show arrest batons or KOS" type of law specifically for that reason. And plenty of mayors get RDM'd by players that aren't using a police job.
  10. It would not be progress, it would be hindering the experience of the server. If we put a block on this, someone will make a thread in 2 months and go "I know we put a block on cop, but now people are MassRDMing as hitman. I want that blocked too!". It's a very slippery slope, one day we're gonna end up not allowing gun stands because it allows people to buy a weapon and MassRDM. This is a Garry's Mod DARKRP server. RDM is going to happen. I'm sorry. If it isn't done by a cop, it will be done by the 30 other jobs we have that give you a weapon by default. You are not going to deal with less sits by blocking the job. That is a very black/white, and also completely incorrect view of the situation. You will deal with the exact same amount of sits, just with players using a different job. If people join the server to MassRDM, they will do that.
  11. People sell high powered weapons in gun stands. A gun dealer can give themself plenty of high powered weapons in the blink of an eye. The King's Guard's sword does a ridiculous amount of damage. I may be staff, I may be an admin, but I am also a player. From a players perspective, if I join a server and see that the jobs are stuck behind level/time requirements, I leave. From a staff perspective, it is very easy to deal with someone that joins a police job to abuse it. We have a !cpban function, we can kick players, we can warn players, and we can ban players. The shitty take that I'm seeing is "I don't like it when I get killed by some random as a cop, so we should hinder every player that ever joins from actually using it if they want to, even if they are going to follow the rules.".
  12. Oh man there is a level/time limit on cop, what am I ever gonna do? Switches to gun dealer, hitman, mafia, king, guard, the plethora of other jobs that have weapons. If people are gonna RDM or abuse, there are plenty of other jobs to do it on. Are we gonna put a block on every job with a weapon?
  13. What happens if you are RDM'd in the fountain, and then you can't interact or defend yourself there anymore?
  14. 1/1/2023 Changed "Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entities or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense." To "Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entities or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense. IF you DO place any entities or any form of making money while your Building Sign is up, the building sign becomes VOID and your base will be raidable. If you are not sure whether or not someone has entities while having a building sign, call a staff member to check the base."
  15. true. NLR isn't some crazy thing that needs to be taken out. You get a chance to raid someone, if you win you get their stuff, if you lose you can come back in 20 minutes and try again. I don't see any reason for it to be changed.
  16. they can't even do that to begin with, only the preacher job is allowed to skybase
  17. Pretty much what LeGerbs said. Having supporter doesn't protect you from getting banned when you MassRDM. You broke the server rules and got banned. You will still have your supporter rank when the ban expires.
  18. VIP is given out left and right, everybody has it. There'd be no point in making it VIP only
  19. If you have valid evidence to add to a report you are free to add it. But if you just wanna give your opinion, with nothing added to the report itself, it's prolly gonna get removed. When we don't remove that, the threads end up being 5 pages long. If you wanna comment your opinion and how you think every single report should go, join the staff team!
  20. https://www.free-iqtest.net/score/4309/
  21. with the rsb thing, I think it's possible for a hacker to hack it and get the money, similar to the drug buyer. I'm not 100% sure, I'll hop on the server and test it https://ibb.co/LS06jB1 yeah it's very possible that someone just hacked the buyer and that's why you didn't get any money from it.
  22. add the option to disable camera flashes in the !help menu.
  23. Yeah I am also having the issue
  24. owners no longer need to have the refundable amount, the server will reimburse anyone who buys an item if the item gets removed. it will take what it can from the owner and then put them in debt for the rest.
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