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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by cobaselic

  1. 3/20/2023 Changed "Terrorists can ONLY commit terror attacks OUTSIDE on or above solid ground (Including rooftops)" to "Terrorists can ONLY commit terror attacks OUTSIDE on or above solid ground.". Changed "Terrorists can NOT commit terror attacks in buildings, underground, in the ocean or on the islands in the ocean" to "Terrorists can NOT commit terror attacks in buildings, underground, on rooftops, in the ocean or on the islands in the ocean.". ADDED "Terrorists CANNOT use vehicles"
  2. 1/1/2023 Changed "Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entities or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense." To "Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entities or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense. IF you DO place any entities or any form of making money while your Building Sign is up, the building sign becomes VOID and your base will be raidable. If you are not sure whether or not someone has entities while having a building sign, call a staff member to check the base."
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