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Jack Blacks Nut Sack


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jack Blacks Nut Sack

  1. IGN: Jack Blacks Nut Sack Discord: Mordecaii#0048 Favorite Candy: Starburst
  2. I recently discovered the Man Hack Gun was disabled. I am deeply saddened by this inconvenience as it was really fun to use. I know I am more than likely responsible for it being disabled, which is why I am here even putting some type of effort towards writing this. I didn't think that I would cause enough issues with it for it to be disabled. I really think the ManHack Gun should re enabled on the server again as I feel it's been removed long enough for me to learn my lesson about how irresponsible I was with it. I realize I was being careless with how much lag/harm it was causing for many players, and ruining it for few others that have it. I really just wanted to have my little bit of fun with it for a few days when I first acquired it, as anyone would! Also if I was told it could be potentially disabled from abusing the hell out of it, I probably would have been more careful with it! Just being honest! I'm really hoping the TitsRP staff can accept this apology/suggestion for my past carless actions. (I know it doesn't contribute to anything, but I only have over 1k hrs in this server and I feel I don't cause Staff any issues with my 2 ban, 5 warns and like a WHOPPING 2 player sits called so I mean its some proof I don't cause major issues.)
  3. Yeah its permanent, but if you go inactive for a while, like 30d or more, it gets disabled until you make a request to get it back, which is free.
  4. It would be full price to make a CC still. 5m to unlock it, then 10m for each slot. Plus 5m to make it a cop/hitman. You just don't have to pay any editing fee's each time you want to make changes. You can use models you own on the "free CC" but its not very good and you can't add any extra slots to it.
  5. Buying Crip Cannons Manhacks, Explosive SWEPS. Strange Gems. Artifact Guns. ( Not shitty ones ) Selling Base dupes. All 5m. I have about 5 dupes of my own so far. Each different locations. 1 is a PD/Mayor Dupe. Selling 1 Weekly slot on my CC 2.5m It has 30-slots It has all custom/reskinned Weps/SWEPS. Suitable for almost anything and everything. DM me on discord if you are interested! Mordecaii#0048
  6. You mean this right? Pretty sure your gang leader changed this, not the Devs lol. You are more than welcome to my gang! I use this!
  7. Again, a Pokemon is not an animal. Where are you getting this from? That's kinda sus that you keep referring to children quite a bit, when there are no children involved in this matter. Imagine making a forums post and a report in-game over a me playing a a YouTube video on a boombox, when you could have just messaged me and told me to stop.
  8. Vaporeon is a pokemon. A pokemon is a fictional character, not a real-life animal lol..
  9. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8si3sid8j185xfa/video-1655433621.mp4
  10. I made a custom join message and used a "?" which reverted to "NULL" guess the system doesn't accept certain characters. I just want the NULL text gone or a refund so I can redo my text. IG: Jack Blacks Nut Sack ID: 76561198979737899 Thanks
  11. I always see this grave when I do my farm runs. Never questioned anyone about it, always wondered why it was there though. I think its a great suggestion to add some text about who this was, like Kotos has. Never knew either of them, but they obviously had an impact on the community. RIP
  12. Unlock Gang CC plz. In game name; Jack Blacks Nut Sack Steam ID: 76561198979737899 Gang Name: FurFagz
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