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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by GmanRockFTW

  1. Exploit Description: When you plant drugs, they auto-grow. There's no process. How to reproduce: Plant drugs Priority: Extremely High
  2. I really like the idea of the Casino, though another thing you can add is the /roll feature, or something similiar, where you roll a number 0-100. Based on the number you roll, you either have to pay or receive a certian amount of money. You give the gambler a sum of money, and if you roll a 25-40, for quick example, the gambler has to give the person x2 the amount of money they gave. If they roll inbetween the few sets (like 25-40 is x2, 65-80 is x3), they have to pay the gambler. You could of course, just add the /roll thing, I just wanted to let you know why. you could obviously get creative and make your own thing with this, too.
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