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The Worst Dad


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by The Worst Dad

  1. If this remains purely for use on Aliens(or other Weird category jobs), who can not currently raid, I do not personally mind it. Yes, you can damage people while flying around the map, but then they can just kill you. And if you block a door, they'll just gravgun you across the map. It's a relatively harmless thing right now, just flying around the map as a prop. Sure, there's concern for it being exploitable for things like raiding. But at that point, it's just as easy to punish those using it that way. I'd rather not see harmless fun ruined by potential abuse. When the abusers can be easily dealt with.
  2. I'll take a $19 fortnite card for an unban
  3. The Shadow TitsRP Staff cabal is out to get us please Mr. President get down
  4. Nothing save a lack of skill or friends is stopping anyone from amassing that amount of entities.
  5. For the topic of basing and raiding, simply just get good. That's been a topic ever since last time I staffed, where KDawg himself said the same thing in a community meeting.
  6. why vote when you can just say no
  7. Evocity will fall into the trap that our current map already suffers from. Parts of the map unused because they're either too far away to travel, or do not offer any sort of good base spots.
  8. Updates to the MOTD are as follows: MISC RULES - REMOVED: Misleading adverts are not allowed, making 3 lines of a random trading advert then adding a subtle (PD raid) at the end is stupid. If staff asks you to remove it then please do so. BASING RULES - ADDED: Loot boxes are considered entities and you cannot open them in a base while building or prop-blocked. You are not allowed to base with entities behind the Waterfall in sewers. You are however, allowed to make a public base. ADVERT RULES - ADDED: The following 2 actions are allowed without adverting PD raid: Jail-breaking and Hackers hacking any of the PD panels, including the one in the Mayor's office. Anything involving breaking through a prop or a fading door is not allowed under this rule and will be considering PD raiding without an advert. If you wish to PD raid, you will still be required to call PD raid after exiting the PD entirely. You may not fight CP in self defense/party assists inside of PD unless you are raiding. Ex: Hobo is allowed to sneak into jailbreak his friend. Once he's spotted, he can run but not attack the officer, even if attacked. MERCENARY RULES - ADDED: Must Advert PD Raid|Bank Raid|Kingdom Raid when raiding for a target.
  9. Creating a system to prevent people from alting does not help solve problems of self control. If you're banned, don't alt, period. Serve your ban and come back. There's also many players who share accounts currently and can trigger this kick system.
  10. I agree! Things happen and being offered a buffer against such would be nice! +1
  11. What's the durability on this thing? Fire rate, damage, any sort of specifics? This just seems way too strong without any details.
  12. I think changing the jetpack's availability would rob those in the past who had previously won the permanent slot in raffles or giveaways. But I could definitely see it being added to crafting bench though for single usage!
  13. For some reason there isn't a hitbox on TOP of the roof that blocks vehicles, but it seems to stop players. If people do this to you while living there, please do report it!
  14. maybe we can finally smoke big doinks in Amish
  15. If you feel you are being harassed, I will always implore you to gather evidence of such a thing and either make a sit or a report on the forums. These things can not be acted upon without you taking the first step and making the report. But I will also tell you now, that you need to just stop interacting with these people, mute, and report them. Stop adding fuel to the flames if you're being targeted by responding and flaming them back. As this will either not help your case, or make things spiral even more out of control. I understand it can be annoying, it can get heated, and whatever else. But you ultimately control your own words and actions. So gather evidence, and make the reports. Otherwise no one can genuinely help you out with things like this.
  16. When I sought the Alaskan Salmon, I did not use any sort of bonuses. No yacht, no fishing buddy, or gang perk. And I caught it roughly in an hour and a half. I believe the Alaskan Salmon item is a grey rarity item, so you'd want less bonuses to try and catch it. While the inverse is true for the Mako Shark step, where you really want to pile on those bonuses.
  17. +1 to seeing at least the communal games added via a spawner or even a job system. This way players could host private games with their friends while they base, or event hold tournaments/events for the community.
  18. As someone who autistically grinded 200+ bounty targets for a leaderboard, it definitely has it's highs and lows. I play Bounty Hunter and choose targets wisely. Usually people with higher bounties are people who have mass amounts of RDMs under their belt, which pump the bounty, or they're mods in sits which makes things awkward because well, you can't get into Sitland. Many things can ruin your bounty hunt. The target leaving. Them as mentioned, being in Sitland. Or even you dying to someone who RDMs you or you getting caught in the crossfire. There have been countless times where I've accepted a bounty and left via one of the many exits through spawn, and a non-target has killed me. Which then makes me fart around for 180 seconds with my thumb up my ass. And of course, bounty scrambling. All which will put this on cool-down. I'd personally be all for lowering the cool-down on selecting a new bounty. And to balance this so you're not just picking the same target over and over, is to make cool-downs for individual targets to be hunted. I.e, You just took a hunt on Bob and killed them. Bob has since racked up another bounty. But you can not take a bounty on him after x amount of time. In general Bounty Hunter feels like a very niche class that is so funny to see when it gets x3 job xp. Because most of the time you won't be able to benefit from increased XP rates with the long cool-down.
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