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The Worst Dad


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by The Worst Dad

  1. Updates to the MOTD are as follows: MISC RULES - REMOVED: Misleading adverts are not allowed, making 3 lines of a random trading advert then adding a subtle (PD raid) at the end is stupid. If staff asks you to remove it then please do so. BASING RULES - ADDED: Loot boxes are considered entities and you cannot open them in a base while building or prop-blocked. You are not allowed to base with entities behind the Waterfall in sewers. You are however, allowed to make a public base. ADVERT RULES - ADDED: The following 2 actions are allowed without adverting PD raid: Jail-breaking and Hackers hacking any of the PD panels, including the one in the Mayor's office. Anything involving breaking through a prop or a fading door is not allowed under this rule and will be considering PD raiding without an advert. If you wish to PD raid, you will still be required to call PD raid after exiting the PD entirely. You may not fight CP in self defense/party assists inside of PD unless you are raiding. Ex: Hobo is allowed to sneak into jailbreak his friend. Once he's spotted, he can run but not attack the officer, even if attacked. MERCENARY RULES - ADDED: Must Advert PD Raid|Bank Raid|Kingdom Raid when raiding for a target.
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