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EpicWafflehouse last won the day on December 22 2023

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  1. The player nylox only received a verbal warning for what he said, and Foul agreed with him, on video.

    Not even a warning is enough.

    I've had a friend see an anime character and make this statement and been instantly banned and denied on forums for his appeal.

    But for some reason nylox and foul get away with verbal warnings with all the evidence provided against them?

    These players both need to be banned at the very least.

    The video starts where I was checking if my mic worked and if my video was recording, to the end where he muted us and said nothing will be done.

    I did not edit the video to make it appear foul said I had "pedophile issues", that is word for word what foul said.

    There were players in game who saw what he said, saw we went to a sit, and saw he did not get warned, all of these people now believe what Nylox said must be true.

    There will be players who see my video of foul accusing me, the photos of nylox accusing me, and players who will see the forums post "accepted" but actually nothing done, and they will assume that must mean nylox and foul are both right.

    I have been illegally defamed and I am seeking legal action against you, foul, nylox, and the server host.

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