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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TyrTrolas

  1. Vote is getting heavily abused everyday so i suggest removing the ability from VIP and only give it to the Verified people It is the only way to stop the abuse and lessen the vote ban appeals It is too dangerous when 90% of the server is VIP, anyone can become VIP and minges are everywhere god help us
  2. Kunts This gang is mainly for trolling and cringing the hell out of players, basically just be a kunt to people . Gang Rules 1.) Do your best to uphold the worst reputation of the gang. 2.) You may raid whoever you want. This includes members of the whole world. 5.) Please disrespect your fellow gang members. 6.) NEVER Use common sense Gang CC SOON! App Template Your In-Game Name: How Many Hours Do You Have On The Server? Why Do You Want To Join? Have You Ever Been Kicked From A Gang? Do You Have A Discord? If So, What Is It?
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