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Funk Dungus


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Funk Dungus

  1. Give cuffs a knee setting, so that you can choke out your opponents in honor of Derek Chauvin /s



    Real talk tho, cops arent busted, people who get caught are usually not paying attention. Simple way to not get arrested is to KOS any cop that swings near you.

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  2. Category:





    Throwing the ol' Chris Brown at someone will cause your screen to shake FAR too violently

    How to reproduce:

    1: Get your left hand ready
    2: Get your right hand ready
    3: Punch literally anything
    4: Experience a 8.3 earthquake.

    EDIT: also happens with jetpack
  3. 1 point cost, make it really cheap. Do !drugprice to see current drug pricings (like talking to the buyer). Could be good for people to know what to farm without having to leave their base etc. Possibly useless but it might have it's niche. 

  4. Category:





    Occasionally, around 1/10 kidnaps, after a victim is supposed to wake up from ragdoll they are sent back to spawn and you have to hunt and kill them.

    How to reproduce:

    Kidnap someone
    Roll God's dice
    He respawns

    Literally no clear cause, and its not saying you failed kidnap. You still get rewards for finding and killing them too.
  5. 22 minutes ago, Tene said:

    because u have to hold them with a bludgeon to increase your total kidnap % no?

    It doesn't matter if you hold them with it, they still count as a serial kill when you kill them. They get fully kidnapped, just not losing their items. 


  6. 3 hours ago, dokerz said:

    Anouther thing is people becoming bank manager waiting for it to get to a high amount walk across the street to raid it or get there there friends to raid it. How is it not fail rp to do?

    please explain why it’s a bad idea 🤥

    the titsrp elite said so. they have destroyed my rep. i am now in the -20s. rebel against them

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  7. I also +1 this, I'm currently punished for this very thing. Bank needs a rework.


    If I can throw my 2 cents in, make it so that bank can't have printers/processors/harvesters etc etc etc. Or, you know, just be allowed to raid without going for the vault :^)

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