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CuddlyKraken @Twitch


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CuddlyKraken @Twitch

  1. Can confirm just testing it. No explosion no health or armor damage at all. Just timer hits 0 and bomb goes away.
  2. If you present strong evidence any staff that is being biased should be demoted. We are never allowed to be biased. Gnome I hate you, we all know it, we do not get along. And me and Quarel get along great. But seeing your ban and hearing both sides i would +1 for unban since I understand your situation.
  3. I just want to take the time to apolagize for this happening to you, it is never our intent to ignore sits. It is part of being staff that we should always try to be the first ones to claim sits. Sadly this does not happen all the time since most of the staff are more RP focused. I have recently became a full moderator on the server and have been doing my best to be on as much as I can and be taking sits most of the time I am on. I understand your frustration because just a month ago I was in your shoes, anytime someone broke a rule I would call for staff and nothing would happen, and the rule breaker would get away with it. I hope you can remain on our server as you said you do enjoy it and you do have fun. We do have a lot of staff on our server and only a small amount of that staff will stop RPing to help take sits if no one else is. A lot of the staff on the server most of the time are new Trial Mods or freshly promoted Moderators. I am not saying it is an excuse but that it the reality. The intent should be that if there is staff on the server no sit should go unclaimed. Now of course staff could get busy with multiple sits or be AFK. What ever the reason about 90% of all sits made when staff is on should be claimed. I hope going forward we can have a better staff to user relationship.
  4. In case that didnt help you. Merry April 9th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4GCQ8IL-P4&feature=youtu.be
  5. Hi assisted with the testing and did my own testing. If this is intended then this is BS You walk around murdering anyone in a few seconds.
  6. Clearly your lua age is the same amount as your lua experiance 0. JK love you steve. I have no idea bud I am the dumbest person alive when it comes to coding. If ever need some advice on smite let me know. I'm your man.
  7. 100% what I was thinking rules like that If I didn't know any better I swear we think almost the same. You always agreeing with me and posting stuff I forget to post. +1 for Quarel Kraken
  8. From my understanding a revolt is just so you can kill the mayor. If you want to rob the PD bank you have to advert a raid. Now I also believe that the same 20 minute cool down does not apply to the PD the PD has its own 15 minute cool down and the rules say they can not go back and try again right away. They must wait and try again later. No specific cooldown besides the cool down for the actual bank. Aswing revolt rules and pd raiding rules would be amazing. Basically this: You can only raid the PD of the cooldown on the PD bank is over and ready to raid. You have to wait 15 minutes before you can attempt to raid the PD bank again. You can only revolt if you give an RP reason. Example: I do not like law #8 You taxed us Any of these or all of these would be great rules to be added just to clear up some grey areas.
  9. Ok so I'll try to make it as simple as possible if you still do not get it I will make a quick video tomorrow morning. Open Q menu Go to buddy section Close the Q menu (make sure you leave it on the buddy tab when closing) Hold C Look to the right of your inventory See the buddy menu See little red squares next to each person's name Click the red square next to the person you want to be on your buddy list The red square turns green Go to the bottom of the list and choose the type of access for the buddy list. Hope that helped. If not let me know and I'll make a video in the morning.
  10. If you would stop measing up award shows then maybe you would be a good staff member.
  11. Sugar fixed this in today's changelog.
  12. We will have to wait for Sugar (The server Owner) to look into the details of your friends ban. His friend > http://steamcommunity.com/id/sweglove He has no VAC bans so that is a good sign.
  13. Oh My Fudging Goly holes I would honestly just say remove all the props from the !clothing keep the hats and hair. Also remove the ability to change the materials on your stuff in !clothing.
  14. Bug Description: Currently if someone becomes the mayor then dies, then later on joins a revolt against the new mayor, if the person who was an old mayor is part of the revolt and dies in the revolt the revolt thinks that he was the mayor even though he was not the mayor at the current time and it ends the revolt. A random guy was the Mayor and has died, the revolution is now over! How to reproduce: Become mayor Die/get demoted Different mayor elected Join revolt Die in revolt This happens > A random guy was the Mayor and has died, the revolution is now over! Priority: Very High Only because revolts happen a few times a day and I would say 50% of revolts have this issue.
  15. So basically you can do /buyprocessor and /buydatprocessor Which will give you two processors. I am going to PM sugar right now to get a yes or no if this is allowed.
  16. Add a permanent law board in spawn. Also make all laws reset when the mayor dies so that the new/next mayor has to make their own laws. And that when the mayor dies people who do !laws currently see all the old laws.
  17. What do you mean you do no earn profit?
  18. It works now so closing this thread.
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