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    The Soviet Joker

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  1. Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life Description:If you manage to buy 2 water barrels, you cant cap the second one even though you own it, sometimes doesent even work with the original How to reproduce:try to cap a barrel Priority: (High, Medium, Low)
  2. I have an idea for a event that would give everybody a chance to win some prizes and would be pretty fun I think. The event would be called something along the lines of "Disable the APC" or something. The even would include 2 players, not sure if they could be randomly chosen or maybe someone could start the event and get a choice to send a request to another player if they wanted to be involved in the event with them.If they accepted, then it starts with the 2, if they deny then the event just cancels and they have to try and start it again. When the event starts, it spawns an APC in the tunnel leading to Industrial.Maybe it could spawn in a box or some type of coverage to prevent it from being destroyed right off the start. The APC would have a set amount of health, but have amour covering most of it, but leaving some venerable spots to it.The 2 players would be in/on the APC and have cover.They could get the same health the baby king has(1000) or something.They would each be able to use a slow firing turret, or maybe just get a default CS gun like the PARA or something heavy-based. The APC would have a set route to drive, which would begin from the tunnel to Industrial, around the left corner past the Vehicle scrapper, then left down the main road past PD, then right down the road, and then end a little bit past the Extreme gambler.It would drive slow, making the event have a decent time to play out. Everyone is allowed to shoot at the APC, and if it IS destroyed, it will drop 25-30 random shipments of maybe 5-10 in the middle of the street, giving everyone a chance to get something.On the other hand, if the APC is NOT destroyed, and the gunners manage to defend it until they reach the end zone (Near the extreme gambler) they will each get either a cash prize (250k-300k) or maybe some event tokens.Of course the winnings could be changed but these are my initial ideas. I think it would be a fun and challenging event that would bring something new and give everyone a good fair chance to win some stuff.Let me know what you think.Some pictures of what the APC MIGHT look like/roughly could look like are down below, remember this is just a concept build. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2119817336 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2119818636 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2119818783 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2119819004 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2119819299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. isn't this basically just chucky and jigsaw? I mean it kind of is, but insted of a feud between two people who just randomly kill and stuff, it would render effects on the law in the city, making more feuds between jobs of diffrent aspects.Like Chucky & Jigsaw feud to essentially stop each other from accomplishing their goal of killing whatever specific target each one is after, so their you have jobs based on killing feuding to stop each other from doing that for the others personal gain.With Bane & Batman(Or Joker) you would have a feud in the aspect of law in the city.Therefore cops would also be effected by this because they would now no only have to worry about players stopping them from arresting/cuffing people, but also the Joker or Bane, who could free them and let them escape, essentially creating more obstacles for the PD to have to watch out for.So you have Chucky & Jigsaw, both are threats to the players AKA the citizens, and then The Joker or Bane being a threat to the Police Department, therefore spreading more obstacles out among more then just the public, but also the Police.
  4. Application format Ingame name:The Soviet Joker Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ItsTheJokerBoi/ Previous gangs: Spartans Hours played: Gmod overall █3,000+ █Server, over 1000+ Hours played past week: 14+(Just returned recently) Gametracker score :Cant find it Age: 17 What can you provide regarding raids:Tools, explosives, essentially anything high-end used for raiding(Mat bombs/C4/Blowtorches/Sledges/Sticky grenades/Smoke grenades) What can you provide regarding basing:High end bases, good quality designs, well thought out planning for locations and bases,etc. Do you use a mic:Yes What is your favorite food:Chicken
  5. Ingame name:The Soviet Joker Steam profile:http://steamcommunity.com/id/ItsTheJokerBoi/ Previous gangs:Spartans Hours played:3,338 Hours played past week:14(just got back) Gametracker score:No idea, cant find my name Age:16 What can you provide regarding raids:Strategic plans, healing, necessary tools(Blowtorches,C4,etc) What can you provide regarding basing:Advanced base designs/layouts, great protection. Do you use a mic:Yes What is your favorite food:Chicken
  6. *Add new materials, I seriously think its time for some new materials https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=105841291 *Buff juggernaut *Add a Bob Ross job who can paint on a canvas in some way and have a paint pallet and brush, seriously please do this.
  7. They are actually a great way to make money, its just the initial purchase and you must wait to get your money back, then you start making bank. Basically what I am saying is that you need time.
  8. The only person that is allowed to give money refund's is Sugar.No other staff has the power to spawn that kind of thing in. I would say Sugar will look at the money logs and check if you had 126k, and if you did then he can probably help you, so you must wait for him to respond to this.
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