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Insurance Agent

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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Insurance Agent

  1. 43 minutes ago, David Davidson said:

    isn't any specific or relevant rule against it.

    While there isn't something specifically written down for this sort of scenario there are some vague general rules that do.

    DO NOT Minge
    DO NOT be a dick, we are all here to have fun and play the game
    This obviously comes across as annoying and most people do not want to deal with it. if they do let them voulnteer themselves to be cuffed and dragged.

    It is obviously not an intended way to handle this or we would have tools to make it do-able like multiple seats in the jeep or police cars but this isnt a serious rp server for the most part. fine's manage jail time well enough without adding an extra 2-3 minutes of being dragged around as chesmond said. no one wants to deal with it, other users have broken rules to stop it when they have seen it and they got warned. pretty sure bathroom got a verbal to stop doing this aswell.

  2. most dots are hard to see if they are far away and regardless of color. I would recommend you make a solid black dupe with no world glow textures and use that if your having trouble seeing it. i usually go to kingdom to get my target and then judge direction from there


  3. On 3/24/2024 at 11:06 AM, wolf2297 said:

    ermmm dont touch the meta!!! titsrp is perfect and does not need to be changed at all!!!

    Yeah ur right, snipers are pretty fugged unless ur using the AWP, the leone is still the best shotgun. headshot fixing and rate of fire changes would be a very nice change

    Silenced m21 is nice sniper. Really funny to bust boomboxes with too.

    • Like 1
  4. Or drugs that offer some sort of perks but have a chemical dependence although i feel like all the perks have been though of and used by meth, current drugs, talismans


  5. Fentanyl's function would be what?

    maybe some sort of covid spreading needle. Used to play on this server called noobonic plague and it had similar player count. the covid thing on there was aids spread by cough did damage when you coughed but the kicker was they had a gun that you could use to spread aids and the amount of chaos from 60+ ppl coughing from aids damage was wild, legit epidemic. would also give the hazmat more to do and hopefully reason to revamp the bleach cure method cause that is ass trying to use on ppl.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Rubik said:

    This should have been fixed on the 9th. Did this just happen today?

    nah m8 was posted on may 5th only reason anyone noticed it was due to that removed message necroing it

  7. i think rubik patched this or was working on it. i had made a report via the discord bug reporter and it got closed out like he had fixed it.

    • Like 1
  8. 32 minutes ago, Pack said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the hacker demote is random. If the player was making votes on your demotion over and over, that would be player targeting. 

    You are correct you can’t pick who you’re firing. 

  9. 9 hours ago, GHOST BUSTER said:


    From my experience anyone whos been pushed to the point of hack camping PD is in retaliation to shitty cop mains. and cops need to get good and go remove them from the mayors office. Every time ive gone cop and been hacked out the next time i swap to cop i go clear office and then i don't have an issue. Lock the doors check all of the mayor office then drop a dupe if there isnt a mayor.


    Waves of minge cops are a regular occurrence and mass demotion through hacking is an easy fix for it aswell.

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, prozedd said:



    i feel like anything that falls into QOL is inherently not high priority lmao. that being said. the only situation where this is needed is those hidden skybases in kinngdom. aside from that mainly some public bases might want it but it isnt much more than a cosmetic change

  11. 3 minutes ago, FlexTape said:

    Could i get my name forcechanged to FlexTape, the dude hasnt been active since like 2018 and my ign is FlexxTape

    No but a staff member can run a cmd to clear the name and if they have been inactive it will open it. ill Ping one to do it rn.

    • Like 1
  12. You did get pissy you started ranting in OOC afterwards which is ultimately why i even bothered to call a sit. half the server was telling you that your wrong and you continued to argue even after i quoted the rule i gave above about Loopholes in the sit. I called that sit because you obviously didnt understand rules around NLR and it was more to educate you than to punish. I never told him to warn you and was good with verbal. im not holding anything personally against you either. ive been fucking with you in RP cause i dont like cop mains but i do it within the bounds of the rules via hacker/mayor. i was doing that to 2kords last week. Ironically enough 2kords even agreed your a more annoying cop than him. (not that its a bad thing i used to cop main to its easy to annoy people as cop)


    That said any defense i seemed to project stems from the fact i originally thought this was a report and didn't notice category due to using direct link to view it.



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