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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by PENIS RETARD 69

  1. So I don't raid too often on this server, but when I do 4/5 bases I end up at are fail bases or bases with building signs up that very clearly have printers inside. I'd like to suggest a process where once somebody is done building their base, they have to make an admin report saying "inspect my base". Once the base has been inspected and confirmed not to break any rules the staff member will remove the building sign for them and allow them to begin placing down valuables. I feel like this is a pretty small rule change that would greatly improve the player experience for basing. Obviously this would only be required for bases with a higher number of props/area so that people don't have to make a report every time they buy a door for a little throwaway base in the sewers.
  2. Solo basing is very difficult. Even the best bases will go down to a 4 man CC squad with unlimited C4. The best place to base is inside the kingdom because it is the ONLY location where once they have entered, you can prevent them from leaving until the raid is over. The biggest problem with any base is that your defences can easily be destroyed by somebody running in with c4/material grenades, placing them, and running back out the door. In the kingdom, you can place a fading door on one side of the kingdom portal and encase the spawn area with your base. This is the only place where you will get a fair chance against people who decide to blow your shit up and run away. This can also be defeated by using a sacrificial lamb to place C4 before the rest of the group charges in. Basing in general is very difficult, especially solo because raiding tools are overpowered as hell. Don't assume somebody wont spend 1+mil to raid your base with 100k of valuables inside either. Most people on this server have more money than sense. They don't raid for profit, they raid because they want to feel like they are better than you at the game. For weapons, stick to the overpowered stuff. If you can get a legendary and a safe position to use it from, go for it. If not, use the AS VAL and a double pump shotgun combo.
  3. RTX 2070 Super Ryzen 3700x 16gb DDR4 3600Mhz RAM 1920x1080 144hz
  4. "Do not incite other players to break the rules" is already a thing but I'm not sure if this would fall under that category
  5. There is just too many guns to keep balanced. I'd rather have a quarter of the guns that the server does right now, if it meant all of them being useful and relevant in their own niche because lets face it, the majority of guns fill the the exact same role as other guns which just have objectively better stats, making there no real reason to use 50% of the weapons on the server. Hit reg with snipers seems fucked to me too, but that just may be because I live in Australia and have bad ping. But seriously, there are so many guns that literally go unused by even the shittiest of players. It's nothing but addon bloat at this point. To avoid the issue of weapon choice being a mile wide and an inch deep I really think the amount of weapons should be culled so that more careful attention can be paid to balancing them. It's unreasonable to expect the devs to be able to keep 100+ guns in perfect balance with eachother.
  6. Banana lookin ass dude, karrem abdul jabarro lookin ass dude, ice cream pepperoni lookin ass dude, when gotham is in ashes you have my permission to die lookin ass dude, hold the tomatoes extra onions lookin ass dude, do you come from a land down under lookin ass dude, kangaroo jack lookin ass dude, rundown with the rock lookin ass dude, don cheetoes comedy jam lookin ass dude
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