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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by vldmort

  1. The point is having access to changing the exact RGB color values, not having the UI be the same size.
  2. This would be a really nice small QOL addition. +1
  3. I'm a musician. I teach and compose for high schools, perform, and sometimes work on tv shows with my biggest one being Euphoria on HBO.
  4. Think this could definitely bring some interest to the fight club job as well as just being really fun. +1
  5. I would like to partake in the serving of the scrumptious and most desirable Krabby Patty.
  6. 2nd year college student here! I also teach and write for high school percussion. : D
  7. I think that raising the radius of C4 while still obeying LOS would be the best solution rather than upping the allowed raid time. To me, at least, 15 minutes feels like its a little too long and 10 minutes is decent. +1
  8. Makeshift time bombs are baby C4's and should also obey LOS. If ya'll don't like the AOE, just throw it into the base and take out more props instead of only breaking a few by placing next to a wall. +1
  9. I mean, AMD GPU's have greatly improved recently and having been using some sort of AMD card for last 6 years, i've never really had any issues with them. The RX 580 is a FANTASTIC newer budget GPU for only about $200.
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