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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Payanskii

  1. How about making the Fountain a non RP area ?
  2. First of all, thank you enormously for a very constructive and detailed post, it's not often that we see these I appreciate it a lot. I completely understand your point of view on the general aspect of the issue we have with improving the experience for new players. Trust me I have been trying to get things changed and I will do my best to do so. I have a lot of opinions and wishes for the future of the server, but Im still working on getting the reputation/rank to gain more possibility to make changes. I would prefer not to discuss this subject further on the forums, as the backlash would be massive, but I invite you to add me on discord to talk about it, with me as a moderator and possibly an admin. Here is my discord tag: Lewis “Papa Skii”#7276 Take care and thanks again for the post.
  3. Even more unpopular opinion. How amazing would it be, to make basing with dupes unauthorized. I feel like it would push people to create bases themselves, and you would actually have to work to build a base properly. Making basing more difficult. in my opinion, that would be fantastic. I get that. But reduced size + god food + speed food + invisibility potion/better stealth, what do you want to do ? You of all people know the advantage you have on others using 20 things at the same time. Of course I know it takes skill to use all of them and shoot at the same time, but bind fast weapon change and you are good to go.
  4. My opinion, add punt back but keep the C4s and Timebombs how they are, remove god food, and strip the potions from inventories. They are still there and I know as a fact that some people have thousands still in stock. Also remove reduced size talisman, but keep all the others. Theres a reason why small models cant raid. I personally just want to see some actual fights where skill is needed, not just a fuckload of equipment. Keep the size change food so that shitters don't complain about the changes. Also. Its good that leggies have been changed, but that affects recent players, doesn't affect the guys who have been playing for months/years and have outstanding weapons that kill you in 1.5 seconds, I still have too many weapons that just end people in a split second. I just think a whole rework has to be done at the next community meeting where we get together and figure out what the best options is to make as many people happy possible, and I think the priority should be fairly new players. Of course, I think new players need to be able to not get raided after 2 minutes cause they have fuck all. I finally agreed to make do with some shitters moral values, cause an asshole is an asshole. But changes can be made to make the server better for newcomers and keep the server sane. #UnpopularOpinion
  5. Aye aye ! Lewis “Skii”#1011
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