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Introducing de Neko Kitten (• -•)

I's this thread good and did i pretty much take neko sams name?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. I's this thread good and did i pretty much take neko sams name?

    • Yes and YES
    • No and YES
    • Worst and No
    • Stupid and of course not
    • No and YES

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In-game name?: Neko Kitten

Steam name?: Neko Kitten | loli lover, xD


What is your favorite food?: pizza bitch

Whats your favorite game?: i don't have one yo xD

Whats your favorite music?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg98e4twWmo

Whats your favorite anime?: sao aka sword art online (you such a nerd kitten)


Are you a weaboo?: no way not that shit (kinda) xD (no way)

What do you do while you are offline?: fap to some weaboo shit (not true) (kinda)

What do you do while busy?: trying to level the fuck up or just watching a video you guys know what it is (• -•) 

Whats your favorite keyboard face?: (• -•)

Who's your best friend on steam?: maybe lil dip pretty sure hes never online anymore tho

What do you do while away?: go to stores biatch

How much money do you have in TitsRP?: currently 1 mill (• -•)

Are you done with your thread?: not yet


What are you?: non ya xD

Tell me what is your favorite game?: ok fine sakura clicker bitch (maybe)

Whats your favorite darkRP server?: obviously TitsRP (• -•)

Ok you gotta be done now: nope (• -•)

What rank are you on titsrp?: Vip


ok i think that's about it (• -•) hope this thread was good xD kinda took neko sam | loli lovers name to piss him off (neko you reading this haaa)

well i'm introduced

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