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Turtles Second "New" mOd app

The Fast Turtle

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I am doing this like Mr.President did. I want to see if I could still qualify as moderator today with the new format.



What is your in-game name? The Fast Turtle


What is the link to your steam profile? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198148643554


How old are you?14


How many hours have you logged on the server within the past week? I'm not sure how to check my time during the week but it says 77.23 hours (don't know if total)[/b]


Will you continue playing while your moderator application is still up? Of course


Do you have experience with ULX (admin module)? yes

Have you ever been a staff member on another server / other game? yes


Have you read the moderation guidelines? yes


Do you have a good understanding of the rules? yes


Do you have a microphone and use it constantly? yes


Do you understand that abusing and not helping with admin sits will get you demoted? yes


Why do you want to be a staff member on this server? I am staff on this server (I plan on keeping it that way) and this server is so uhhhh........ I guess you could say creative. And that makes this server 10x better than boring normal servers.


What are some qualities that make you worth while to accept? I like to help people because I know how it feels to be RDMed and you are helpless and your not sure if the staff on is going to be lazy and not teleport to you and help.


Would you like to be trained as a trial mod before-hand or do you think you're ready for full mod? Why? I am a full mod and I feel if I were to apply for another server (not saying I am) I feel I would be ready for full mod.


Scenario Questions:


A player tells you that someone is farming money while they have a building sign up. What do you do and why?:


I first ask who it is then once I know who the player is I spectate them (assuming trial moderator gets spectating abilities), if they have printers and/or bit coin miners I teleport to them and check in the front to see if they have a building sign up. If they do I would warn them for Building sign With Printers/Bit Coin Miners and tell them to either remove the building sign or the printers/miners. I would do this because when someone has a building sign up they are unraidable so having printers would be unfair, if this were to go unnoticed everyone would have 10's of millions of dollars.


Player X hits player Y for 1 point of armor damage and player Y kills player X. Player X reports RDM, what do you do and why?


I would first check damage logs and see if he did deal 1 damage to player Y. If he did then I would politely tell player X that since he technically did deal damage to him he is allowed to kill you, but then I would tell player Y to not over react and if it is only 1 armor point its no big deal. I would do this because he is allowed to kill player X because he did deal damage to player Y. I would also tell Y to not over react because then a lot of people start dying because of small damage inflicted on them. Once they over react the same situation happens and it repeats, but by telling Y I may have saved time so I would have to do the same sit with him in the future.




Player X calls player Y a stinky butthole over voice. Player Y asks for an admin for disrespect, what do you do and why?


I would tell X please don't disrespect even if it is something as small as that. And I would tell Y don't over react to things like that and if you are being actually harassed then try and gather proof and come and talk to a staff member. Then I would return them both warning free. I would do that because sometimes disrespect can rise from that small state so I would tell him to stop if player Y is feeling hurt by this, then he would acknowledge that and hopefully stop.



3 players report player X for rdming them but you cannot find the player in question, what do you do and why?


First I will take a second look at ulx menu see if I can find his name, after that I would check name change logs and see if the player in question changed his name, and finally I would check connection logs and if he left I would copy his steam ID and ban him for "RDM x3 | Leaving To Avoid Punishment | Appeal on Forums if you feel you were wrongfully punished" for 5 days. I would so a Mass RDMer won't get off the loose and if he did just change his name I wouldn't want him to get his word in to depended weather or not he gets banned.



A player accidentally crossfires someone in a raid and the player that got cross-fired calls an admin for RDM, what do you do and why?


I would first check damage logs and check if it seemed like cross fire.


"A" damaged "C" for 5

"A" damaged "C" for 5

"A" damaged "C" for 5

"A" damaged "C" for 5

"A" damaged "C" for 5

"A" damaged "B" for 1

"A" damaged "C" for 5

"A" damaged "C" for 5

"A" damaged "C" for 5


If it looked close to that I would tell player B that it was simply crossfire, and I would tell player A to not be so trigger happy when he is trying to kill someone and be mindful of the people surrounding him. Then I would return them both unwarned.




P.S. May look familiar, DeathBurger stole my ideas from my luscious brain.





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