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Seriously though, if there's a job with the same functionality as the job you want and the only thing stopping you from realizing your dream is the job name...why not /job?

I see so many suggestions like this. Just have a cook or two named "McTits Chef" or "McTits Manager" and then some guards or citizens or whatever named "McTits Cashier" taking the orders and yelling them back to the chefs. Using any amount of imagination, you can actually have fun with real RP. We provide many tools and opportunities, please use them!


When I open WaltMart, I will do /job Waltmart Clerk and act like a salesman. If someone asks to speak to my manager, I'll do /job Waltmart Manager and yell "BITCH I AM THE MANAGER"

I became a farmer, used /job Presenter and opened an "Agriculture is FUNdamental" center and had fun fucking with the cops ("this isn't weed officer it's education in motion!") and giving away crops and drugs as "samples"





I need stop playing GTA with my German friends

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