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Stock market failing to load my stocks.

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Description: I invested 116 million into the stock market, on amazon , google, microsoft, and abiomed stock yesterday and i noticed they went up when i checked the stock market on my phone. when I logged in today i could not sell my stocks because it said failed to load stock info and i have not been able to sell my stocks since. I also cant buy any more stocks either cause it says failed to load when I try. I have also noticed before this that stocks in general have been very slow, i dont know if this is something added so people could not immediately sell stocks if they went up a little bit or if its a glitch. Anyways i would really like to see my 116 million back. 


How to reproduce: Try to buy and sell stocks using !stocks.


Priority: Med-High

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Stocks are dummy broken. Gmods web rendering system is outdated which prevented the good stock system from working (which is why the current one looks like someone smeared their puke all over it)


I have been planning to either re-do stocks (while you keep your data) or just offering refunds in general for whats in the database. I may very well pick the latter and wait for the new rendering system to be implemented as stocks are a clusterheck of no fun. The refund will be automatic when you visit the NPC (some of the functionality is already implemented, don't know if it works tbh but I will take a look at it)

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