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Something Needs to Change


Do we need Change on this topic?  

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  1. 1. Do we need Change on this topic?

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the reason of the 20k fines is mostly due to people like you guys bitching constantly and will revolt for anything being slightly annoying.  when a unstoppable force meets a unmovable object.... they surrender. or they clash.


in the case of idiots vs idiots.... the two forces will clash regardless of anything.


I can be mayor.... want to know my laws?


hacking 20k fine.

weapons out in public is 5k fine.

stairs and any second doors in pd is KOS/AOS.

and give or take a peanut can mic spam law. 


And i'm part of the DD....


If people didn't enjoy making fucking kidnapping rings or enjoy minging even in the slightest. then yes! the 20k fines can vanish! but in all honesty nobody is gonna stop kidnapping rings... nobody is gonna stop abusing zoom type things in order to rapidly steal a person from pd lobby.


nobody is gonna stop people from buying guns on the street.


and nobody is gonna attempt to have any form of decent role play...


wanna know a great thing we have? it's called a firearms trainer. They give weapon licenses...  so that mayor does not need to leave pd. 


know how often this class gets used? not at all! because it's kinda pointless when people spawn with weapons and if they are arrested or confinscated. it just gives them back anyways no matter what.... 


the 20k fines exist because chaos reigns supreme here.


and those who want order?  you can see them through the bullshit.  also use !laws to see what laws you are breaking citizen.

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I was arrested by TheDD and random cops today about 7 times for no reason, and for some reason a lot of TheDD gang members are pricks and think they know what they are doing one ttried to arrest me today calling me a dumbass saying that I killed a cop yet I killed zek for trying to kidnap me

I also lost about 200k of just buying ammunition because cops kept breaking nlr and rdm. Not saying all dd members are assholes, some are pretty cool, pig is an example of one that is cool, so is peanut butter but a lot of them, as shown today by a ton of them, think they are hot shit when they're really not. The cops today actually managed to make me angry and I don't get angry easily, I legit started getting more childish and doing things I shouldn't of today because I was getting so impatient, such as being an asshole, teleporting a mod without asking for permission or even asking in admin chat so I wouldn't even need to. I was making jokes that were stupid that I never make and it was due to me coming out of spawn and getting Rdmed by berry Benson, Terry benson, or the other one, three people that got banned today cause they all got on to rdm as cp. Today, with an estimated guess, about 15+ cp were banned today cause they all broke mass rdm mass nlr, minging and mass NLA. I just got back from a 3 month break and I do not remember cps being this annoying. And the juggernaut. I get he is supposed to be strong but the fact that he can take down a 3 v 1 with ccs, the ccs all having full armor and strong guns, there is a real problem there. The VIP border helps but now almost everyone has VIP, and multiple vips were banned today. I lost 20,000 dollars because i was outside during a lockdown even though I told the cop I was going to my base. That is complete bullshit. This is all I have to say on the matter of cp

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