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Your experience with School nurses.


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I remember one time in middle school I was in health class literally puking and felt like I was on fire so the health teacher took my temperature and it read 103 so she escorted me to the school nurse which happened to be some sex as fuck nurse but all she was doing was talking on her phone she half ass checked me like full on checked my temperature and had me lay down mind you it was impossible cause I was vomiting at this point I was just dry heaving then she says I seem to be ok probably faking it and I can go back to class so I barely manage to get up out of the little bed thing they have and walk half way to my class before I pass out in the hallway which mind you was right in front of the administration office she heard the thud I guess all I know the next day later that nurse was fired. But I was apparently faking have a really bad case of the flu per the ER I woke up in

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