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LeBlanc Application and Update Thread


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---== LeBlanc Family ==---


--== Description ==--


LeBlanc stays to ourselves, we don't get involved with server politics and don't care for them either. A member of LeBlanc prioritizes the gang before anyone else, and as such everyone works together towards the common goal of constantly improving the gang for our own accord. We attempt to give everyone a fresh start and blank slate, but if you refuse to leave your past and petty bullshit at the door we will kick you out the door. LeBlanc is not a CP gang. We are raiders and builders that help each-other like a family.


--== Rules ==--


[align=center]1: Don't cause drama with other gangs.

2: Don't cause drama with another member in the gang.[/align]

3: When you successfully raid someone, don't destroy their stuff unless you can't bring it in for yourself or for the gang.

4: Work together with the family. We are a family for a reason, stay united.

5: Don't lie or back-stab the gang. You will be instantly removed.

6: Don't attack another member in the gang.

7: Do NOT minge. You will be removed or talked to if you do.


--== Roster ==--


-== Boss ==-



-== Under-bosses ==-



-== Family Members ==-



-== Honorable Friends ==-



--== Application ==--


What is your in-game name?

How old are you?

How many hours do you have on the server?

Are you willing to work with the family?

Why do you want to join LeBlanc?

What are your specialties?

Do you know that if you don't follow the rules, you will be kicked?

Have you been in another gang before? If so, which one(s)?


--== Benefits of Joining ==--


  • A whole group of people willing to work as a team.
  • A bunch of gang perks.
  • A good chance at earning a lot of money.
  • A possible chance to get good base dupes.
  • People to help you in raids.
  • People to help defend your base.

--== Discord ==--


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