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Gang - CX

Dolan (2)

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Welcome to the CX Application!

You don't understand how annoying it is to constantly change the rank page because of Mark adding/changing ranks, I am just putting this filler text in here to make the document look longer than it really is, like with any Google Docs assignment I've ever done in my life.


What is your in-game name? - Codejad456 steam/rp name codekid


Why would you like to join CX? - I Have Always wanted a serious rp group, and I think CX Can do that for me.


How often to do you see other CX members? - I can be on everyday, because I am homeschooled.


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week - I easily put in 20-30 hours a week and I am usually on all day, if I don't sleep in or have something to do. 


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes I as I Stated before I can be on all week if I don't have something to do.


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I am not sure, but I can be on all day to play with other members.


Thanks for applying! We read applications throughout the day, if you don't instantly get a reply, no worries! We'll get to your application eventually.

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Welcome to the CX Application!

You don't understand how annoying it is to constantly change the rank page because of Mark adding/changing ranks, I am just putting this filler text in here to make the document look longer than it really is, like with any Google Docs assignment I've ever done in my life.


What is your in-game name? - Codejad456 steam rp name codekid


Why would you like to join CX? - I need a group and I here they are good 


How often to do you see other CX members? - Everyday bro


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - 20-30


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - I can be on 7 times a week


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? -


Thanks for applying! We read applications throughout the day, if you don't instantly get a reply, no worries! We'll get to your application eventually.


Declined - 


Reason - Not enough detail included in the application. 





Sorry ~ MarkCX

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What is your in-game name? - TheGrapeWarrior


Why would you like to join CX? - Because I'm looking for a good gang to base with, and start making money with... I also want to participate in more raids, and help counter the raids that people try to preform on us. I also want to rp with you guys. I would also like to not be false banned... (Mark)


How often to do you see other CX members? - All day, everyday.


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - Around 70 hours


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes, I'm on everyday.


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I get a lot of xp for the gang, and I have cc's so I have some OP guns to shoot people with, I'm on all the time, and I can make lots of money for the gang and its members.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is your in-game name? -  Pablo Escabar


Why would you like to join CX? - I would like to join CX because i want to make new friends on titsrp and help CX get better and Fuck all those raiders!


How often to do you see other CX members? - I have seen them quite often in the past but over the past few days i've not seen many. 


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - Well this week i've played all day everyday but i will continue to play more


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - I will be on more than 2. 3-4 times.


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? -Everything under 7 million. I am willing to put my time and effort into helping CX

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is your in-game name? - Inferno (i have a symbol infront it won't let me paste it)


Why would you like to join CX? - I would like to join CX because it seems like a very popular gang and has many kind members. 


How often to do you see other CX members? - I see them fairly often. But I see Typical the most.


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - I only recently got into TitsRP but so far I believe I've put in nearly 20 hours this week.


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes, and if not, I will put many hours to make up for missed time.


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I enjoy putting time into my bases when building them, although not the best, they are confusing to work around and are very maze like. I also can help with raiding since my aim is semi-good. Espescially with the AWP. 

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