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Gang - CX

Dolan (2)

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What is your in-game name? - WaifuPillow


Why would you like to join CX? - Curosity mainly to see what its like


How often to do you see other CX members? - Alot


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - Recently atleast 10 I guess


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I cant say I really can supply anything maybe just a bit of joy then and there?

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What is your in-game name? - TBB APOLO 


Why would you like to join CX? - because I want to be part of a gang and I am good friends with some cx members


How often to do you see other CX members? - ever day


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? -idk I play the max I can when I get home from school till I have to get off and from 8am-1am on the weekends 


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? -yes 200% 


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? -I let people us my cc for free unless someone is using it

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What is your in-game name? - oisosa02


Why would you like to join CX? - it just seems fun adn i am good at shooting and what could hurt if 1 more person joins the elite gang of CX


How often to do you see other CX members? - everyday


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - at least 3 or more


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - yes


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - VIP money help im good at building

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What is your in-game name? - Grandma


Why would you like to join CX? - Because I got no friends on this server besides revenue lmao


How often to do you see other CX members? -  CX members are literally everywhere I cannot stop seeing them


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - Around 20 bb


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - It is almost impossible for me to not be on atleast 3 times


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I have very good aim and can consistently get headshots leading to great defense when being raided oh and I am pretty funny if that is a plus


I'm sure I won't be accepted but it's worth a shot lmao

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What is your in-game name? - Aragorn Stevan


Why would you like to join CX? - I Have Been Playing A Lot Of TitsRP Recently And Have Seen A Lot Of CX Players. I Believe If I Joined I Could Assist The CX.


How often to do you see other CX members? - Every Time I Play On TitsRP.


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - I Do Not Know But I Believe I Have Put 4+ Hours A Day Recently.


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes, I Believe I Will Be Able To Come On 2 times a week unless on holiday which I Will Inform A CX Of Before Leaving.


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I Do Not Believe I Can Supply Anything Special That Others Couldn't But I Am Good At Defending Bases And If Needed Can Use Different Jobs Well.

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Welcome to the CX Application!

You don't understand how annoying it is to constantly change the rank page because of Mark adding/changing ranks, I am just putting this filler text in here to make the document look longer than it really is, like with any Google Docs assignment I've ever done in my life.


What is your in-game name? - Blackwatch Genji


Why would you like to join CX? - CX is a pretty lit fam gang also i like the peoplz in cx also i see the cx dudes help quite alot and aslo they do legendary never seen before raid techniques


How often to do you see other CX members? - every time im on also everyday on discord


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - I have put 8 hours into titsrp recently 


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes unless im on the holiday which I will tell some super cool cx dudes about


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - Bad memes , unoriginal content and cringe also some base dupes they don't have


Thanks for applying! We read applications throughout the day, if you don't instantly get a reply, no worries! We'll get to your application eventually.

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Yeah sure, whatever. Accepted - [iCG] Sneaky



You didn't really need to do this, I just made you do it because it'd be funny.

Yeah, clearly accepted, you were only kicked because you were inactive.

You've literally been on the Discord the whole time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is your in-game name? - 

Rabbit SR


Why would you like to join CX? - 

CX has the reputation of simply the most fearsome, powerful, and organized gang on the server. I would like to apply for them because I want to be apart of this exclusive circle that is legendary in defense, raiding, weapons manufacturing, and money printing.


How often to do you see other CX members? - 

I see 3-4 on at any given time I am on the server.


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - 

I'll usually play 15 hours a week.


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - 



What can you supply the gang with that others can't? -

Firstly, I am unattested for the title of the fastest player on the server. Starting from the unaided, base speed of a regular player, I can build into a speed 3x faster than a typical player using only my bunnyhopping abilities. Even those with custom CCs dedicated to speed still aren't as fast as me! Please watch this 1-minute~ video showing a short scale of map -- corner to corner. 




Secondly, I am someone who has been working with the Source Engine actively on the developer's side for years. I know all of the ins-and-outs. If something isn't working the way you wanted to, or you want an easier way of doing something, you could always ask me. I have an expansive knowledge of the Source engine in all areas.


Thanks for applying! We read applications throughout the day, if you don't instantly get a reply, no worries! We'll get to your application eventually.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is your in-game name? - oisosa02


Why would you like to join CX? - it just seems fun adn i am good at shooting and what could hurt if 1 more person joins the elite gang of CX


How often to do you see other CX members? - everyday


How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - at least 3 or more


Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - yes


What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - VIP money help im good at building



Denied Due Do Possible Inactivity

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