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Nigerian Government


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Yoyoyo my homeboys, me and prince abassi come from nigeria and would like you to join the nigerian government, or NIG for short, people who join the group through ingame means are known as Nigerian Slaves, but people who apply on the forums are instantly bumped up to Nigerian Citizen



Do you want to be a Nigerian Citizen/Slave and why?:

What makes you think you will be a good fit for working with the Nigerian Royalty?:

Currently, what is your age?:

Do you have any skills that may benefit the Nigerian people?: (Gun skills, building skills, lots of money or some shit, idk)

Do you currently have a citizenship, and in what country?:

Are you affiliated with any other gang/group at the current moment and are you willing to cut those ties?:

Are you comfortable with sending 100 emails a day with an undisclosed classified message to random email addresses?:

What is your goal within the Nigerian group? This may affect what rank you may get in the future and tells us your level of seriousness:

How much money do you have?:



Current leaderboard: 

                      Nigerian Prince: Prince Abassi   | Nigerian Warlord: Warlord Ntaganda 

Nigerian Commander (Substitute leader basically):

Nigerian Lieutenants(3):

Nigerian Warrior: | Builder:

Nigerian Citizen:

Nigerian Slave:



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Ayyyy it's me Prince Abassi you should like join us cuz we will vape u out tuff for sure bro ski! Just join us and we can have lots of fun and you know you can send some emails for us from multiple accounts to tons of random accounts! Alright thanks for joining us in advance because you will if you read this!

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Not big fan of governments, but we always appreciate immigrates in our town, so we welcome you with open and arms, and making it rain money

Paper boys would like to ally for you, since you guys are still small we will only offer a few services

  • invitations to our lit parties
  • we won't raid you guys and you won't raid us

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